Monday, December 30, 2019

Tobacco Products A Dangerous And Potentially Fatal Threat

Sean Bower Ms. Crecelius Honors English II - Period 9 17 December 2013 Tobacco Products: A dangerous and potentially fatal threat to future generations that should be replaced or erased Every day, more than 3,600 teens smoke their first cigarette and about 900 teens become daily smokers. Over 15 billion cigarettes are sold worldwide daily. Approximately one out of seven people smoke tobacco products which is about 1,142,857,143 people! 5 million of these smokers die every year and it costs them over 4,000 dollars each year to maintain their torturing addiction. Tobacco product consumption is a serous problem that must be resolved. These products are advertised as a product that will make users look cool and sexy to all people including†¦show more content†¦This addiction to nicotine is what makes it extremely difficult to quit tobacco consumption (Smoked Tobacco Products). There are two major forms of tobacco consumption, including smoking tobacco, and smokeless tobacco. Smoking tobacco consists of the more common products such as cigarettes, c igars, pipes, and hookahs. A cigarette is any roll of tobacco wrapped in paper or in any substance not containing tobacco and is the most common tobacco product consumed in the U.S. (Smoked Tobacco Products). According to, Cigars are large, rolled bundles of dried and cured tobacco with three major kinds, including large cigars, cigarillos, and little cigars (Smoked Tobacco Products). Hookahs, also known as water pipes, are pipes that are used to smoke specially made tobacco that is available in a variety of flavors (Smoked Tobacco Products). Smokeless tobacco is tobacco that is not burned. The two major types of smokeless tobacco are chewing tobacco and snuff. Chewing tobacco comes in long strands of loose leaves, plugs, or twists of tobacco, which is usually chewed or placed between the cheek and gum or teeth (Smokeless Tobacco). Snuff is finely ground tobacco that can be dry, moist, or in bag-like pouches (Smokeless Tobacco Products). These different forms of to bacco consumption make them so appealing to users because of the wide variety of options and flavors that they can choose from. Plus, once

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Gender Inequality in the Workplace - 1247 Words

Women have experienced a historic situation of inequality in the social as well as professional aspects. Women were normally the ones that would take care of children, do the chores in the house, and in rural areas; they would work in the field with the rest of the family. However, today’s women have become more self-sufficient and independent from the predominant male figure within every historical family. Gender inequality in the workplace is becoming less common; yet, gender is a factor that affects men and women. Especially women have been subjected to a historical discrimination that has influenced society to decide which job is more suitable for women than men. However women have confronted and tried to break down the barriers that†¦show more content†¦This consists of six main themes; the theme about gender â€Å"†¦acknowledges that men and women are not the same but insists on their right to be equal before the law and treated without discrimination.â⠂¬  Currently, according to statistics from the Department of Labor of the United States; of the â€Å"123 million women age 16 years and over, 58.6 percent or 72 million were labor force participants and in the long run, women are projected to account for 51 percent of the increase in total labor force growth between 2008 and 2018† (U.S. Department of Labor). These numbers will clearly demonstrate to any skeptic that women are leaving behind their old dependence on men and becoming more autonomous and self-determined to succeed; it sounds great, doesn’t it? On the other hand; however, men are losing as women are gaining. The Department of Labor has reported that men have lost about 4.75 million jobs during the current economic recession that started in 2007, while women have only lost 1.66 million. Additionally, â€Å"the only parts of the economy still growing—health care, education and government—have traditionally hired mostly women†( Cauchon). Now, as a result, of the statistics that show that females are overcoming males in the workplace; the gender segregation has created some kind of imaginary â€Å"glass ceiling† that impedes both sexes from advancing professionally and economically. The term â€Å"glass ceiling† isShow MoreRelatedWorkplace Inequality And Gender Inequality1678 Words   |  7 PagesWorkplace Inequality Brittany N. Shipley Central Penn College Abstract As you are reading you will be informed of the many factors that can contribute to workplace inequality. Three factors associated with workplace would include (1) the individuals gender can determine compensation (2) the race or ethnicity of an individual (3) the age of the individuals. All such factors contribute to the issues of workplace inequality, not only in gender but race and age as well. Keywords: Compensation, jobRead MoreGender Inequality Of The Workplace1255 Words   |  6 Pages Fact or Fiction: Gender Inequality in the Workplace Will respect resolve the gender inequality issue in the workplace? While there s always going to be a person who craves more money because greed is a major factor in why respect is in decline in the workplace. Gender inequality is prevalent in the workplace, but we can bridge the gap if more people had respect for their counterparts. Enforcing this amongst employees will cut down on discrimination lawsuit cases and these companies can growRead MoreGender Inequalities in the Workplace1963 Words   |  8 Pages‘Describe and analyse gender inequalities in the workplace?’ Gender inequalities in the workplace have been an ongoing issue for many years, which has mainly been central to women in the workplace, as senior management has prioritised men over women. This has made it very difficult for women to work their way up to management as women are considered to be incompetent compared to the men in the workplace. The wage gap between men and women has raised much debate, as men are generally more likelyRead MoreGender Inequality And The Workplace Essay1344 Words   |  6 PagesGender inequality or also known as gender stratification, is the unequal distribution of a society’s wealth, power, and privilege between females and males. (Scott and Schwartz, 2000). Even though gender equality in the workplace has improved substantially in the US since 1979 especially when women started representing an increasingly larger share of the total workforce and earning about 62 percent as much as men, the women s average pay continues to be lower than thatRead MoreGender Inequality Within The Workplace Essay1209 Words   |  5 PagesGender Inequality in the Workplace The generation now has made it easier to equalize men and women but there is still a substantial amount of places where gender inequality is still happening in the workplace and where females still face discrimination. Women are often discriminated in the workplace and are usually not promoted as quickly as men are and they also receive less pay. History shows that women have not always been defined as property and thought of as second class citizens. But inRead MoreGender Inequality And The Workplace1630 Words   |  7 Pageshardship between women and men[1] (Baunach, 2002; Isaac, Kaatz, Carnes, 2012; Levy Temin, 2007). There is substantial research on the role of sex segregation in the workforce, the gender wage gap, the glass ceiling and the differences in median earnings for men and women (England, 2010; England Folbre, 2003). Gender inequities and the economic experiences of women and men continue to be present in the life course as individuals enter senior age (Sullivan M eschede, 2016). Senior women are moreRead MoreGender Inequality During The Workplace1613 Words   |  7 PagesGender Inequality in the Workplace It was the holiday season and the workers were vigorously working to receive that desperately needed bonus. The day before the holiday break, the workers were eagerly lined up to receive their checks along with their bonuses. After receiving their checks, Susan got a glimpse of Christopher’s check and she noticed how she was paid far less than him even though they both had the same position and worked the same amount of hours. Throughout various aspects of societyRead MoreWorkplace Gender Inequality Essay1615 Words   |  7 PagesWorkplace Gender Inequality Gender inequality is currently a hot topic in our society. From education, to the entertainment industry, and more importantly, our daily lives, gender inequality has created a powerful divide between females and males with the seemingly same qualifications and background. The same trend follows in the workplace, females are less likely to hold positions of authority compared to their equivalent male counterparts. This is a key contributor to the lack of gender equalityRead MoreGender Inequality Within The Workplace1379 Words   |  6 Pages  Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. It arises from differences in socially constructed gender roles as well as biologically through chromosomes, brain structure, and hormonal differences. There is a natural difference also in the relative physical strengths of the sexes. In the workplace Income disparities linked to job stratification Wage discrimination exists when workers are equally qualified and perform the same work butRead MoreGender Inequality During The Workplace1609 Words   |  7 PagesGender Inequality in the Workplace Times have changed; western women have more influence in the workplace than ever before in history. Today women make up 19% of Congress, almost double the share from 20 years ago. Five percent of women are now serving as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies (Pew Research â€Å"Women in Leadership). Approximately 65 percent of women work in high paying careers, triple that of 40 years ago. The gender gap in salary is also less than it was decades ago. In spite of these advances

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Character biography Tom the glass menagerie Free Essays

Tom can be described as a tortured soul, living with his mother and bachelors sister in a cramped apartment in SST Louis. From a young age, Tom is forced into the role of being the man of the house as his father abandons the family. One can say that this is the cause of Tom’s deep resentment towards his life. We will write a custom essay sample on Character biography Tom: the glass menagerie or any similar topic only for you Order Now He has to work long hours in a warehouse to pay the bills and take care of his nagging mother and sister. Tom’s true dreams are to become a writer and he writes poetry in his spare time, this is what eventually gets him fired from his Job. Tom has complex relationships with both his family members. Although he always fights with his mother, we see that he does love her. Maybe so much that he can’t stand her. Tom is softer towards his sister Laura, whom although is older, does not act like it. Tom finds himself trapped in an apartment and in a life he does not want. He finds an escape by going to the movies in which he lives vicariously through. In the movies he finds the adventure, thrill and excitement that his own life Is lacking In. We see Tom’s selfishness when he doesn’t pay for the electricity bill but instead uses the money for his own escape. Tom is torn between his loyalty to himself, his life, hopes and dreams; and his loyalty to his family, his own flesh and blood. In the end he Is loyal to himself, Just like his father. Tom almost uses the abandonment of his father as an excuse to do the same as if it is a genetic thing. Tom Is a complex and 3-delusional character In that he Isn’t wholly good or wholly bad either, like all human beings. He truly does care for his family and especially his sister as he feels guilt and remorse for leaving her. But he also realizes that he will never truly experience life If he stays and neither will they. Therefore though his departure maybe he does not only set himself free, but his family as well. How to cite Character biography Tom: the glass menagerie, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Xxx Essay Research Paper POST PAPER and free essay sample

Thirties Essay, Research Paper POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to the Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire past this screen without subjecting a paper. It # 8217 ; seasy, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can # 8217 ; t crush the monetary value, IT # 8217 ; S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that # 8217 ; s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apassword. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with some awful message. POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to the Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire pa st this screen without subjecting a paper. It # 8217 ; seasy, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can # 8217 ; t crush the monetary value, IT # 8217 ; S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that # 8217 ; s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apassword. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with some awful message. POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to the Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire past this screen without subjecting a paper. It # 8217 ; seasy, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can # 8217 ; t crush the monetary value, IT # 8217 ; S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that # 8217 ; s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apassword. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with some awful message. POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to the Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire past this screen without subjecting a paper. It # 8217 ; seasy, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can # 8217 ; t crush the monetary value, IT # 8217 ; S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that # 8217 ; s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apasswo rd. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000 people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with s ome awful message. POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to the Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire past this screen without subjecting a paper. It’seasy, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can’t crush the monetary value, IT’S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that’s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apassword. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with some awful message. POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to th e Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire past this screen without subjecting a paper. It’seasy, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can’t crush the monetary value, IT’S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that’s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apassword. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with some awful message. POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to the Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire past this screen without subjecting a paper. It’seas y, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can’t crush the monetary value, IT’S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that’s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apassword. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with some awful message. POST PAPER and acquire PasswordIf you submit a paper, it will be instantly posted to the site and searchable within seconds. This alsowill give you immediate entree to the Free Search engine with over 1,000 documents. Since most of you arelazy, we already knew that most of you will seek to acquire past this screen without subjecting a paper. It’seasy, merely transcript and paste a paper from your word processor and make full out the signifier. You can’t crush the monetary value, IT’S FREE! Warning: If you do go on to be retarded and subject a paper that’s dirt or merely refuse, you will non acquire apassword. On top of that, we will post your alone IP reference on the home page and state everybody, + 1000people a twenty-four hours, to e-mail you with some awful message. 30d

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Cow Lore Essays - Cheers, Sorcerer, Ala, Tomorrow, Fred Figglehorn

Cow Lore A long... long time ago, in a distant galaxy, was the planet "Cud". On this ancient planet lived the warlike race of the Cowfolk, a race of people who had evolved and broken into two major groups. The first group, the "Beefers", were a very rough and barbaric race. They were the type who enjoyed loud music and a mug of ale, with a serving wench on their lap... even the women. Their leader, known as "Mike The Big Tough Guy" was a large man of great poundage. He had unkept hair that flew wildly in the wind, and a cute, wellgroomed moustashe. The Beefers worked hard and played hard... and smelled. The tavern was alive with music, the thumps of dancing and clapping, and cheers of joy. Their steeds, consisting mostly of Longhorn and Black Anguses, mooed calmly outside, having had their reigns tied to those horizontal postthings you see in all those western movies. Mike pushed the serving girl from his lap and awkwardly staggered to stand atop his table. The music and dancing immediately stopped in respect. "If it's a war the Milkers want," he slurred, tipping this way and that, almost losing his balance. "Then it's a war they'll get." His statement was met with a round of deafening cheers, which soon died back down. "You are all people of war... and when we clash tomorrow, I want you to do what you do best. I want you to destroy whoever gets in your way." Another round of cheers exploded, then died down. "Tomorrow, milk will be released from the confines of their bodies... it will flow through o'er the plains like a river... and will dye the moon white!" He held up his large tankard of ale to the ceiling. "We will show our true selves to The Great One In The Sky... we will show our Lord, the mighty Black Angus, that we are worthy of him! To YOU, my Lord!" Mike lowered his arm and swilled the remainder of the ale. With the backward tossing of his head causing unconsciousness, Mike lost his balance and fell backwards, crashing down heavily onto a nearby table, cracking it in half. The tavern broke into wild cheers of excitement... Mike had aroused their carnal lust for milk, and they poured out of the small inn and into the dark streets, almost tasting the upcoming hour of battle. The second, the Milkers, were a much more gentle people. They only warred when they absolutely had to, and prefered to spin yarn, play their lutes, and had a habit of wandering aimlessly about the town, reciting poetry. Love and nature were constantly in the air, even on the brink of war. "But will it HOLD?" Fred asked the blacksmith. Fred The NotSoStrong But Very Nice And A Swell Person was the official leader. His people wanted to add "Good Smelling" to his name, but decided that such a length would just be plain silly. "Aye, it'll hold," the blacksmith snapped back, almost sounding offended. "I've been using this armour for as long as I?jcan remember, and it's never done me wrong before." They were looking over one of the plates used in the armour for the cows when they go into battle. Tradiationally, the armour would consist of several plates, covering almost the entire body of the cow. The udders, being on of the most sensitive parts of the beast, would have a coating of chainmail lying under a coat of platemail. "Go on," the blacksmith encouraged Fred. "Go on, take your best shot at it." Fred looked at the blacksmith for a moment before taking a step back, drawing a mace from a nearby wall, and striking the armour with all his force. Colourful sparks flew from the point of impact, but upon inspection, the armour remained completely unscathed. "Very impressive," Fred said, stroking the point of impact with his fingers to feel for any damage, of which he could find none. "Very impressive, indeed." "And you ask if it'll hold," the blacksmith mocked him. "Well, that first sword you made me snapped in half when I tripped over it," Fred explained, standing up straight. "That's got nothin' to do with it," the blacksmith yelled. "It was faulty metal, I tell you... NOT my work... look, the Beefers are likely going to attack at dawn. DO you, or do you NOT want my armour?" Fred stayed silent for a moment. "Of course I do," Fred said. "And your payment

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Maria Martinez

Maria Martinez is a Pueblo Indian part of the San Ildefondo tribe. One of the amazing factors involving Maria Martinez’s work has been the incredible length of time that she has spent in producing her pottery. Her life has been spent learning, perfecting, teaching and expanding her art. Maria was born in the 1880’s and had been an active potter for over 70 years. As a young woman, Maria was known as the most skilled potter of her pueblo tribe. For this reason, an archaeologist asked her to recreate the original shapes of ancient black pots that he had excavated. As with many other art forms, the original format is often considered less effective because it produces fewer actual pieces or the intended art. In reality, the tenacious effort applied in careful traditional processes allows the soul of the artist to infuse the artwork with the true intended meaning. It has been termed, â€Å"Black on Black† work. (Peterson 23) â€Å"Black on Black† sounds as tho ugh it may be an unimaginative concept, however, on the contrary it is truly subtle work, as a matte finish black surface is balanced and blended with a shiner, polychrome black. It is almost as though a soft black is shadowed next to a bright one and the combination of both, create a piece visually greater that is the two finishes were to stand alone on two separate pieces. Therefore, what Maria has created in what at first seems to be a simple piece of ceramics, is actually a representation of her own views on spirituality and beauty (Peterson 37). Maria’s acclaim in the art world brought back a certain pride to the Pueblo people. Alfreda Ward Maloof writes in Recollections From My Time in the Indian Service, of meeting Maria Martinez and of being impressed by her abundant skills and vibrant enthusiasm. She even developed a primer that she planed to use instructing students in reading entitled, â€Å"Maria Martinez Makes Pottery.† It may have been one of the first B ureau of India... Free Essays on Maria Martinez Free Essays on Maria Martinez Maria Martinez is a Pueblo Indian part of the San Ildefondo tribe. One of the amazing factors involving Maria Martinez’s work has been the incredible length of time that she has spent in producing her pottery. Her life has been spent learning, perfecting, teaching and expanding her art. Maria was born in the 1880’s and had been an active potter for over 70 years. As a young woman, Maria was known as the most skilled potter of her pueblo tribe. For this reason, an archaeologist asked her to recreate the original shapes of ancient black pots that he had excavated. As with many other art forms, the original format is often considered less effective because it produces fewer actual pieces or the intended art. In reality, the tenacious effort applied in careful traditional processes allows the soul of the artist to infuse the artwork with the true intended meaning. It has been termed, â€Å"Black on Black† work. (Peterson 23) â€Å"Black on Black† sounds as tho ugh it may be an unimaginative concept, however, on the contrary it is truly subtle work, as a matte finish black surface is balanced and blended with a shiner, polychrome black. It is almost as though a soft black is shadowed next to a bright one and the combination of both, create a piece visually greater that is the two finishes were to stand alone on two separate pieces. Therefore, what Maria has created in what at first seems to be a simple piece of ceramics, is actually a representation of her own views on spirituality and beauty (Peterson 37). Maria’s acclaim in the art world brought back a certain pride to the Pueblo people. Alfreda Ward Maloof writes in Recollections From My Time in the Indian Service, of meeting Maria Martinez and of being impressed by her abundant skills and vibrant enthusiasm. She even developed a primer that she planed to use instructing students in reading entitled, â€Å"Maria Martinez Makes Pottery.† It may have been one of the first B ureau of India...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Medication Daivonex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Medication Daivonex - Essay Example Daivonex is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Children 6-12 years of age cannot be given more than 50g a week of the medication, and for children over 12 years of age, no more than 75g a week of the medication may be given to them. This medicine should also not be used in patients who have the allergy to calcipotriol or to any other components of the medication. Patients with disorders of calcium metabolism should not use this product. Those with severe widespread psoriasis cannot be given this medication. Patients with high blood calcium levels or who are taking calcium and/or Vitamin D supplements cannot take this medication. For breastfeeding women, this medication should not be applied to their breasts. Proper consultation with the doctor should be done before this medication is to be prescribed and used on children (Medsafe Consumer Information, 2004). In adults, not more than 100 grams of cream or ointment should be used in a week and not more than 60ml of scalp solution can be used in a week. In cases where there is a need to use the combination of the preparations for psoriasis, not more than 60ml of the solution plus one 30 gram of the ointment or cream tubes may be used in a week or the limit is 30 ml of the solution and two 30g tubes of Daivonex. The medicine must be applied on the psoriasis plaques forming the visible coating over the affected area. Accidental application of the medicine on the normal skin must be washed with water because it can cause irritation in the unaffected area. It must not be applied on skin folds, on the face, and on the genitalia (Medsafe Consumer Information, 2004). The recommended dosages are set in place because more than 100g weekly of Daivonex can cause elevated serum calcium. The use of scalp and cream solutions in children has yet to be fully established; hence ointment is the preferred formulation of the medication in children.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dealing with Different Generations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dealing with Different Generations - Essay Example These two generations grew up in different social, political and technological times, which have shaped to a large extent the way they view the society, for instance generation X grew at the height of cold war, assassination of john F Kennedy, the AIDs pandemic among other events that were happening within that period. Generation Y grew in the era of increased technological advancements such as internet, mobile phones, Smart phones and laptops among other event. This paper will look at how a student from the X generation will handle a second career, a generation Y who is transitioning from a career as a paramedic. A Millennial student who is starting a bachelor of nursing career as an 18 year old and a student who has taken English as a second language entering an associate degree in nursing program. Generation X second career Generation X grew up in a time when the job security of their parents was not guaranteed, most of this generation’s parent were retrenched from their wo rk therefore this generation reduced the loyalty that their parents had towards their employees and instead they became more loyal to the teams they work with and their jobs (Wallace, Tolley-Stokes & Estep, 2011). In this generation, there is no career ladder and they change their jobs more easily depending on who gives them the best offer. When an individual from this generation decides to change a career, their characteristic as being very flexible in their careers helps them in addition to their education levels as this generation is perceived to be very educated as compared to the previous generations. Since individuals from this generation dislike institutions and rules, they are more likely to change their careers towards a work environment that does not have strict rules or bureaucracy. The kind of job environment that these individuals are likely to change to will be more likely where the employer communicates the intended objective or the goal that needs to be achieved then leave them to find and device their own ways of achieving the objective. Since this generation was not born in the era of technological advancements, they are not likely to change their career towards a more technology intensive career as they do not have enough skills in the field. Generational Y transitioning to paramedic Some of the characteristics that are inherent in members of this generation include that they are techno savvy, they like feeling appreciated, they are ambitious and are team players. In teaching student from this generation as they join a career in paramedic, a lot of mentoring should be involved since in they are new to the working environment, this is irrespective of whether the individuals are performing well in school or not. Personal attention when teaching these students will produce excellent results, as they are very responsive to the personal attention however since they work best as a team, a lot of training activities should involve team activities ( Erickson, 2008). This group of individual should be trained in a structured environment where the learning process is broken in to steps and technology intensive methods of learning should be emphasized. Millennial student as a BSN at 18 years Millenials at the age of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Geriatrics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Geriatrics - Assignment Example search requires methods spanning the momentum of enquiry ranging from new concentrated studies to a multisite in evaluating the implementation of valid interventions and care models (Aldridge, 2013). The research employs sampling and analysis as the research techniques. Dyer et al. (2007) defines self-neglect as an individual’s inability to cater for his or her essential goods and services. The victims of this state are the elderly with major deficits in the physical, social, and functional life, in most cases predisposes to death. The research seeks to give a description of 538 cases of self-neglect findings by a previous survey conducted by an interdisciplinary geriatrics medicine team. The article provides data on demographic medication, use of medical diagnoses and the consequences of assessment of the geriatrics in a large sample (Dyer et al., 2007). The article validates the capability of ICECAP-O measure in the psycho-geriatric in nursing facility by comparing the capability performance by the unrestrained and the restrained individuals. ICECAP-O refers to ICEpop CAPability measure for older people, which asserts that services in the elderly wards mainly suffer from cases of advance dementia. However, evaluation of the challenge is a cost-effective analysis. The Makai at al. (2012) adds that geriatrics services impacts on life quality in a broad way such as constraining the elderly from some daily activities to limit self-injuries. The research sampled the elderly from the nursing homes to determine the validity of the ICECAP-O. The validity became successful by comparing restrained individuals to another group of non-restrained members, to deduce its impact on benefits beyond healthcare (Makai at al., 2012). The article reveals the impact of rural based geriatric services. The elderly living in the remote areas lack special geriatric care hence a rural clinic is essential for the provision of primary healthcare for such individuals. Even though the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Removal of TBP From Aqueous Phase

Removal of TBP From Aqueous Phase ABSTRACT PUREX process involves the use of 30% TBP in Dodecane to extract the fissile materials. However, due to mutual solubility some amount of TBP gets transferred into the aqueous phase. This transferred TBP leads to many environmental problems. Removal of this TBP from aqueous phase is of prime concern which can be done by contacting it with an organic diluent. UNIFAC and Uniquac methods have been used to describe Liquid Liquid equilibrium (LLE) in TBP-Diluent-HNO3 system. Uniquac and UNIFAC Group interaction parameters have been founded to fit the experimental data. Various metal nitrates are also present in the organic phase. These metal nitrates affect the solubility of TBP in aqueous phase. Metal nitrates like Sodium and Calcium nitrate have also been incorporated in model to find out interaction parameters in the presence of metal nitrates like Sodium and Calcium. The obtained parameters will be useful in predicting LLE for the above system and will aid in safe disposal of nuclear w aste. INTRODUCTION Reprocessing of the used nuclear fuel has always been carried out to reduce the volume of high level radioactive waste and also for their safe disposal. The plutonium uranium extraction (PUREX) process is widely used for reprocessing. This process uses 30% Tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP) in an inert paraffinic diluent for the separation of uranium and plutonium from the aqueous phase containing nitric acid. Mutual solubility of aqueous and the organic phase leads to the transfer of certain finite amount of TBP in aqueous phase. This transferred TBP decomposes very slowly in the presence of water and nitric acid by hydrolysis to lower organo-phosphate acids at normal operating temperatures leading to many environmental problems. Removal of such dissolved TBP is of direct interest in reprocessing processes as this would enable manifold evaporation of aqueous stream without harming the environment. Various metal elements are also present in the highly radioactive liquid waste solution in ni trate form. The salting out of TBP takes place in the presence of these inorganic nitrates in the aqueous phase. Studies in the presence of various metal nitrates will aid in efficient removal of TBP from aqueous phase. In order to predict the extent to which TBP could be removed from aqueous phase, a model must be developed to predict the phase behaviour. Such models can be used for designing remediation projects. Estimation of activity coefficients of the mixtures is important for predicting the phase behaviour In order to predict the extent of mass transfer, chemical compositions of the two-phase system at equilibrium needs be predicted first. Investigators have used various models to predict the LLE. Cheng et al. have calculated the thermodynamic equilibrium constant for the system HNO3-TBP-n-C7H16.The activity coefficient of nitric acid was calculated using Pitzer’s equation and those of the components in organic phase was derived from experimental data. Ding et al. have calculated the activity coefficient for 20 binary and 7 ternary systems composed of nC6H14, nC7H16, nC8H18, C6H6, cy-C6H6, CCl4, CHCl3, (C4H9)3PO4 and UO2(NO3)2.2((C4H9)3PO4) using head-space gas chromatography. The results are compared with Scatchard-Hilderbald, NRTL and UNIQUAC models. Li et al. has calculated the Vapor-Liquid and Vapor-Liquid-Liquid equilibria of 19 tributyl phosphate systems. Aqueous phase activity coefficients are calculated using Pitzer’s equation. UNIFAC method is used for correlating and predicting the data in organic phase. All the above authors have done work on the systems in the absence of metal nitrates. Intera ction parameters for systems in the presence of metal nitrates have not been reported yet. The objective of the present work to find the UNIFAC and Uniquac group interaction parameters regressed for the experimental data for three systems. These systems comprise of TBP-diluent-HNO3, TBP-diluent-HNO3-NaNO3, TBP-diluent-HNO3-Ca(NO3)2. These parameters will aid in predicting the equilibrium and calculating the number of stages for designing the equipment to remove dissolved TBP. LIQUID LIQUID EXTRACTION EQUILIBRIA The organic phase consists of (1) diluent (NPH), (2) TBP, (3) TBP.HNO3 The dissolution of TBP in NPH and HNO3 can be represented by eq 1and eq 2. xTBPorg (TBP)x org(1) TBPorg + H+aq + NO3-aq HNO3.TBPorg (2) where the subscripts aq and org denote the species in the aqueous and organic phase. The thermodynamic equilibrium constant for reaction (2) can be calculated as a HNO3.TBP(org) a 3 (3) K == a H+(aq) a NO3-(aq) a TBP(org)a2 ±HNO3 a 2 x3 ÃŽ ³3 K = (4) m ±2 ÃŽ ³Ã‚ ±2 x2 ÃŽ ³2 where a is the thermodynamic activity, x is the mole fraction of the component in the organic phase and ÃŽ ³ is the corresponding activity coefficient. m ± is the mean molality concentration of electrolyte in the aqueous phase and ÃŽ ³Ã‚ ± is the mean ionic activity coefficient of corresponding electrolytes. Similar procedure as described by Chen et al has been used to predict the LLE with one extraction reaction. Mean ionic activity coefficient of electrolytes Pitzer equation is used to calculate the mean ionic coefficient of HNO3 in all the cases and of Ca(NO3)2, NaNO3 in the presence of metal nitrates. lnÃŽ ³Ã‚ ± = Aà Ã‚ ¤+ m (5) where b=1.2, ÃŽ ±=2, AÉ ¸ = 0.391. I is the ionic strength of solution. The Pitzer parameters for HNO3, NaNO3 and Ca(NO3)2 are listed in Table 1. Activity Coefficients of components in organic phase can be estimated using UNIFAC and Uniquac equation. UNIFAC EQUATION In a multi-component mixture, the UNIFAC equation for the activity coefficient of component i is given by Equation 3.1. ln ÃŽ ³i = ln ÃŽ ³iC +ln ÃŽ ³iR (6) The combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model considers the shape and the size of the molecules in the mixture. ln ÃŽ ³iC = 1 – Ji + ln Ji – 5qi( ln (É ¸i /ÃŽËœi )+ 1 – (É ¸i /ÃŽËœi ) ) (7) where, Ji = ( É ¸i /xi) The molecule volume fraction É ¸i , and the molecule surface area fraction ÃŽËœi , are given by respectively, É ¸i = xi*ri/∑j xj*rj and ÃŽËœi = xi*qi/∑j xj*qj (8) In Equations (3.3), relative molecular volume rs, and relative molecule surface area q, are given by ri = ∑k ÃŽ ½k(i)* Rk and qi = ∑k ÃŽ ½k(i)* Qk (9) The quantity vk is the number of subgroups of type k in a molecule of species i. ri is the relative molecular volume and qi is the relative molecular surface area. Group parameters Rk and Qk are reported by Fredenslund et al. The residual part of the activity coefficient is given by Equation 10. ln ÃŽ ³iR = ∑k ÃŽ ½k(i )[ ln à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k – ln à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k(i) ] (10) where, k denotes each group in the mixture ÃŽ ½k(i ) is the number of groups of type k in molecule i à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k is the group residual activity coefficient à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k(i) is the residual activity coefficient of group k in a reference solution containing only molecules of type i. The group residual activity coefficient is found by Equation 11. ln à Ã¢â‚¬Å"k = Qk [ 1- ln(∑m ÃŽËœm ψmk) ∑m (ÃŽËœm ψkm /∑n ÃŽËœn ψnm ) ] (11) where, Qk is a group surface area parameter ÃŽËœm is the area fraction of group m ψmn is the group energy of interaction parameter ψmn = exp(-amn + bmn/T) (12) Where, amn and bmn is the group-interaction parameter. T is the temperature Group assignment as proposed by Chen et al. has been followed. C7H16, TBP and TBP.HNO3 has been broken down into groups CH3, CH2, (CH2O)3PO, HNO3.(CH2O)3PO. Group volume and surface parameters for above groups have been reported by Cheng et al. The UNIQUAC model thus consists of two terms: a combinatorial or entropic term, a residual or enthalpic term. The combinatorial and the residual terms are identical to the terms used in the traditional UNIQUAC equation. The combinatorial, entropic term is ln ÃŽ ³iC = ln(É ¸i/xi) +1 (É ¸i/xi) – (z/2)*qi [ ln(É ¸i/ÃŽËœi) + 1- (É ¸i/ÃŽËœi) ] (13) z = 10 is the co-ordination number. xi is the mole fraction, É ¸i is the volume fraction, ÃŽËœi and is the surface area fraction of component i. É ¸i = xi*ri/∑j xj*rj and ÃŽËœi = xi*qi/∑j xj*qj (14) ri and qi are volume and surface area parameters for component i. The residual, enthalpic term is ln ÃŽ ³iR = qi [ 1 – ln( ∑k ÃŽËœkψki) ∑k ÃŽËœkψik/(∑l ÃŽËœlψlk) (15) The parameter ψki is given by ψki = exp(-uki-uii/T) (16) uki and uii are interaction energy parameters. Uniquac r and q parameters for C7H16, TBP and TBP.HNO3 have been reported by Li et al. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION EQUILIBRIUM PREDICTION. The following equations can be used to predict equilibrium x1 + x2 + x3 = 1 (17) x20 = (x2 + x3)/( x1 + x2 + x3) (18) x3 ÃŽ ³3 K = (19) m ±2 ÃŽ ³Ã‚ ±2 x2 ÃŽ ³2 ÃŽ ³2 and ÃŽ ³3 values have been calculated using UNIFAC and Uniquac equation. Knowing equilibrium constant K, m ± calculated mole fractions can be found out., The group interaction parameters are regressed by Least Square Technique to minimize the error between experimental and calculated mole fraction values. The obtained regressed group interaction values in the absence of metal nitrates, in the presence of NaNO3 and Ca(NO3)2 using Uniquac and UNIFAC have been listed in Table. The standard absolute deviation of components in the organic phase is listed in table. The experimental and calculated values of mole fractions have been reported graphically in fig CONCLUSION The experimental mole fraction data were correlated using UNIFAC and Uniquac model. The Uniquac and UNIFAC group interaction parameters are capable of predicting mole fraction for TBP-Diluent-HNO3 in the absence and presence of metal nitrates. Thus these can be effectively used to predict the equilibrium for the removal of dissolved TBP in Nuclear engineering. UNIFAC gives a better prediction as compared to Uniquac in all the cases LIST OF TABLES Pitzer parameters for calculation of mean ionic activity coefficient Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates Unifac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of Sodium metal nitrate Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of sodium nitrate Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of calcium metal nitrate Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of calcium nitrate Standard absolute deviations between predicted and experimental mole fraction of extracted complexes Table 1. Pitzer parameters for calculation of mean ionic activity coefficient Components ÃŽ ²o ÃŽ ²o HNO3 0.1119 0.3206 0.001 NaNO3 0.0068 0.1783 -0.0007 Ca(NO3) 0.2108 1.409 -0.02014 Table 2. Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates a (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 2.05741 0.679624 TBP -3.04549 0 -1.1645 HNO3.TBP -1.03328 1.143979 0 b (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 1.007842 0.999125 TBP 0.983532 0 1.095824 HNO3.TBP 0.993173 1.019649 0 Table 3. Unifac Group interaction parameters in the absence of metal nitrates a (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 2.56180892 -48.1996 CH3 0 0 2.56180892 -48.1996 (CH2O)3PO -5.15816 -5.15816 0 -6.13375 HNO3(CH2O)3PO -2.57271 -2.57271 34.781685 0 b (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 0.997309 1.126187 CH3 0 0 0.997309 1.126187 (CH2O)3PO 1.016819 1.016819 0 1.131422 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 1.015345 1.015345 0.890301 0 Table 4. Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of Sodium metal nitrate a (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 -1.82623 6.863001 TBP 0.87821 0 0.552002 HNO3.TBP 1.380676 2.272663 0 b (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 0.990771 1.019671 TBP 0.999592 0 0.998537 HNO3.TBP 1.001281 1.004269 0 Table 5. Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of sodium nitrate a (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 0.742770 -0.6378 CH3 0 0 0.742770 -0.6378 (CH2O)3PO 1.096426 1.096426 0 -0.373895 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 0.748111 0.748111 -0.20966206 0 b (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 1.000835 1.005434 CH3 0 0 1.000833 1.005434 (CH2O)3PO 0.99968 0.999688 0 1.004477 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 1.000817 1.000818 1.003927 0 Table 6. Uniquac Group interaction parameters in the presence of Calcium metal nitrate a (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 0.3249 -0.4026 TBP 0.95221 0 -1.40706 HNO3.TBP 1.168545 1.39797 0 b (m,n) NPH TBP HNO3.TBP NPH 0 0.997878 0.99529 TBP 0.999836 0 0.99200 HNO3.TBP 1.00058 1.000138 0 Table 7. Unifac Group interaction parameters in the presence of calcium nitrate a (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 5.9429 2.14979 CH3 0 0 5.9429 2.14979 (CH2O)3PO 2.6932 2.6932 0 -2.59369 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 3.8889 3.8889 3.8740 0 b (m,n) CH2 CH3 (CH2O)3PO HNO3(CH2O)3PO CH2 0 0 0.9839 0.99622 CH3 0 0 0.9839 0.99622 (CH2O)3PO 0.99447 0.99447 0 1.011186 HNO3(CH2O)3PO 0.990612 0.990612 0.990633 0 Table 8. Standard absolute deviations between predicted and experimental mole fraction of extracted complexes. System Δ x (Uniquac) Δ x (Unifac) HNO3/TBP/Diluent 0.016 0.0051 HNO3/TBP/Diluent/NaNO3 0.0435 0.0429 HNO3/TBP/Diluent/Ca(NO3)2 0.015 0.0051

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Is there an objective standard of taste? Essay -- Art, Aesthetic Princi

In Aesthetics, it is thought that in order to show that a work of art is truly great, it is required that an assessment of aesthetic value must be made (Graham, 2001). Therefore, it can be seen as important that such criteria of can be defined in order to make such an assessment. In this essay, I shall argue that it is not possible for there to be an objective standard of taste that can be defined through a set of binding aesthetic principles that can be used to judge value of artistic works. Rather, than an objective standard of taste can exist without aesthetic rules or principles. This shall be done by first examining Hume’s seminal work ‘Of the standard of taste’ (Hume, SOT). Firstly Hume’s idea of ‘agreeableness’ of a work art shall be addressed, and how the idea of the test of time can result in unanimity of in aesthetic judgement as evidence that there can be an objective standard for aesthetic judgement. This shall be confirmed by examining Hume’s non-cognitivist account of aesthetic judgement proposing that no properties of objects can make them viable candidates for aesthetic evaluation, only the immediate and spontaneous reactions that they can evoke from us can. After this has been established it will then be shown that due to the shared nature of the human species, such aesthetic sentiments can display reasonable uniformity. Although it will have already been established that a uniformity of taste exists, it will be discussed how aesthetic sentiments can be improved by a sound understanding of what is being appreciated, as it is possible for some aesthetic judgments to be better than others, through aesthetic judgment o f individuals that Hume regards as being good critics, who have well-tuned aesthetic sensibilit... ... (1963) The abbreviations and texts cited above are as follows: [T] A Treatise of Human Nature, edited by L. A. Selby-Bigge, 2nd ed. revised by P.H. Nidditch, Oxford: Clarendon Press, (1975) [SOT] â€Å"Of the Standard of Taste,† in, The Philosophical Works of David Hume, edited by T. H. Green and T. H. Grose. 4 volumes, London: Longman, Green, 1874-75. [Page references above to individual essays are to volume 3 of this edition.] Web Articles used Zangwill, Nick, "Aesthetic Judgment", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2006 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . Gracyk, Ted, "Hume's Aesthetics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2006 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming URL = .

Monday, November 11, 2019

3 Is the Answer

A Christmas Memory Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Comprehension The questions below refer to the selection â€Å"A Christmas Memory. † ____1. Buddy and his friend keep their money — a. |at Mr. Haha Jones’s house|c. |buried in the pecan orchard| b. |in the local bank’s Christmas club|d. |under a floorboard beneath the bed| ____2. Buddy and his friend give fruitcakes to everyone except — a. |the relatives they live with|c. |people who visit them only once| b. |a bus driver|d. |President Roosevelt| ____3.Which of the following statements best describes Buddy’s friend? a. |Fashion is her passion. |c. |Big cities fascinate her. | b. |She has strong feelings about God. |d. |She spends a lot of time at the movies. | ____4. Buddy compares his friend to a bantam hen because she is — a. |always poking her â€Å"beak† into things|c. |small and sprightly| b. |not very intellige nt|d. |as flighty as a bird| ____5. When it comes to his other relatives, Buddy — a. |barely acknowledges their existence| b. |feels very close to them| c. |is jealous of the attention they pay to his cousin| d. feels that they offer him a lot of support| ____6. Which adjective best applies to Buddy’s friend? a. |unstable|c. |elegant| b. |generous|d. |cruel| ____7. Which of the following items is not an activity that binds the two friends together? a. |Flying kites|c. |Making decorations| b. |Traveling|d. |Drinking whiskey| ____8. Toward the end of the story, Buddy is separated from his friend. Why? a. |He runs away from home. | b. |His friend is sent to the hospital to suffer her last illness. | c. |A letter from President Roosevelt invites Buddy’s friend to the White House. | d. Buddy is sent to military school by his relatives. | ____9. Which sentence tells you that Buddy’s friend has died? a. |â€Å"A morning arrives . . . when she cannot rouse herse lf to exclaim: ‘Oh my, it’s fruitcake weather! ’†| b. |â€Å"The other Buddy died in the 1880s, when she was still a child. †| c. |â€Å"I wrapped her in a Fine Linen sheet and rode her in the buggy down to Simpson’s pasture where she can be with all her Bones. †| d. |â€Å"I’ll wager at the very end a body realizes the Lord has already shown Himself. †| ____10. Which image from the story appeals to the sense of smell? a. â€Å"sweet, oily, ivory meat mounts in the milk-glass bowl. †| b. |â€Å"A straw cartwheel corsaged with velvet roses out-of-doors has faded. . . .†| c. |â€Å"a hateful heap of bitter-odored pennies. †| d. |â€Å"words tumbling together into a wrathful tune. . . .†| Literary Focus The questions below refer to the selection â€Å"A Christmas Memory. † ____11. Which custom is a major part of the setting and mood of â€Å"A Christmas Memory†? a. |Kissing under the mistletoe|c. |Making and giving gifts| b. |Listening for Santa Claus’s sleigh|d. |Inviting friends to a Christmas party| ____12. What is the difference between tone and mood? . |They are synonyms; there is no real difference. | b. |Tone expresses how an author feels; mood is how an author makes the reader feel. | c. |Tone appeals to the sense of hearing; mood appeals to the sense of sight. | d. |Mood can be created through setting, but tone cannot. | ____13. How are flapjacks and hominy grits part of the setting of â€Å"A Christmas Memory†? a. |They show the traits and attitudes of the two main characters. | b. |The fact that they are described makes them part of the setting. | c. |They help show the customs of characters in a certain time and place. d. |The images of these foods are so detailed, a reader can almost taste them. | ____14. All of the following places are part of the setting of â€Å"A Christmas Memory† except a(n)  Ã¢â‚¬â€ a. |forest|c. |attic | b. |riverside cafe|d. |church| Completion Complete each statement. Vocabulary Development On the line provided, write the word that best completes each sentence. inaugurating|dilapidated|paraphernalia|sacrilegious|carnage| prosaic|disposition|exhilarates|suffuse|noncommittal| 15. The smells of baking and the freshly cut trees ____________________ the old kitchen. 16.Buddy’s friend has a strong faith and never says anything ____________________. 17. Buddy’s friend might be considered ____________________ by some people, but he thinks she is the most special person on earth. 18. The ____________________ baby buggy serves them well. 19. Killing flies to earn money results in a ____________________ of bugs. Short Answer Constructed Response 20. Choose a favorite passage from â€Å"A Christmas Memory. † On a separate sheet of paper, identify its setting, and state what you think the mood of the passage is. Referring to specific images, explain how the setting helps create that mood.A Christmas Memory Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. ANS:DPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 1 (plot) 2. ANS:APTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 1 (plot) 3. ANS:BPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 4. 1 (characterization) 4. ANS:CPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 7. 7 (figurative language) 5. ANS:APTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 4. 2 (character interactions) 6. ANS:BPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 4. 1 (characterization) 7. ANS:BPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 4. 2 (character interactions) 8. ANS:DPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 1 (plot) 9. ANS:APTS:1OBJ:9. 2. 1. 11 (making inferences) 10. ANS:CPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 7. 8 (imagery) 11. ANS:CPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 3 (setting and mood/atmosphere) 12. ANS:BPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 3 (setting and mood/atmosphere) | 9. . 7. 19 (tone) 13. ANS:CPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 3 (setting and mood/atmosphere) 14. ANS:DPTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 3 (setting and mood/atmosphere) COMPLETION 15. ANS:suffuse PTS:1OBJ:9. 3. 3 (context clues) 16. ANS:sacrilegious PTS:1OBJ:9. 3. 3 (context clues) 17. ANS:prosaic PTS:1OBJ:9. 3. 3 (context clues) 18. ANS:dilapidated PTS:1OBJ:9. 3. 3 (context clues) 19. ANS:carnage PTS:1OBJ:9. 3. 3 (c ontext clues) SHORT ANSWER 20. ANS: Students’ responses will vary. A sample response follows: A favorite passage of mine is the one in which Buddy and his friend shell pecans for their fruitcakes.It’s set in the kitchen on a November morning after the characters have gathered the nuts in the woods. To me the mood is one of finding joy in the midst of a cold, lonely place. Other people don’t seem to be around, but the kitchen is warmed by the fire and filled with the characters’ joy and friendship. There’s a contrast between light and dark in this paragraph—the rising moon and the fire on one hand, the growing darkness of the night on the other—that seems to me to show the delicate balance between happiness and loneliness in the characters.The image of the characters’ reflections in a dark mirror, mingling with the rising moon, sum that up for me. In that dark mirror there’s a hint of another mood—the bittersweet m ood of the adult Buddy looking nostalgically back at his childhood and a few precious moments, fully aware that as the events of the story seeded the rich emotional life that sustained him as a boy, so those same moments, the empty shells of his memories, now feed the transforming fire that makes him a writer. PTS:1OBJ:9. 1. 3 (setting and mood/atmosphere) | 9. 1. 7. 8 (imagery)

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Courageous Soul that Dares and Defies Naturalism in The Awakening

The Courageous Soul that Dares and Defies Naturalism in The Awakening Critic Donald Pizer understands literary naturalism as the artistic result of unremitting hardship, both personal and social. Taken one step further, literary naturalism laments humankind’s lot through its focus on characters that attempt to break free from their suffering, only to suffer more in the attempt. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"The Courageous Soul that Dares and Defies†: Naturalism in The Awakening specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A naturalist author, in Pizer’s mind, â€Å"grounds his fiction in the social realities of his historical moment and he therefore cannot help being especially responsive to social reality when that reality impinges cruelly on the fates of most men†¦[T]he naturalistic ethos, which views man as circumscribed by conditions of life over which he has no control, appears to be confirmed during periods of social malaise and individual hardship† (Pizer 153). Kate Chopin’s The Awakening is one such work. Set in turn of the century New Orleans, The Awakening details the futile attempts of the protagonist, Edna Pontellier, to realize a modicum of personal freedom amid the socially constrictive Victorian era, wherein the roles allowed to females consisted exclusively of wifedom and motherhood. Where the novel differs from other naturalist novels of its time, however, is in its treatment of the artist. This essay will show that The Awakening is best understood less so as an example of naturalist fiction and more so as a manifesto that highlights the intense social sacrifices that the pursuit of art demands. Chopin’s nod to naturalism in The Awakening focuses wholly on the conundrum of freedom faced by women like Edna, who long for personal freedom, yet feel biologically bound to their children, and unable to leave them as a result. In Pizer’s words, â€Å"though Edna may reject†¦the socially-constru cted role of a mothers total absorption in her children, she has not escaped the biologically essentialist act of giving birth to children and thus finding within herself the protective emotions of a mother† (Pizer 6). We see this especially toward the end of the novel, once Edna has struck out alone. Though for all intents and purposes she has achieved her aim – she is free of her husband and painting regularly – she suffers agony at the loss of her children. â€Å"It was with a wrench and pang that Edna left her children. She carried away with her the sound of their voices and the touch of their cheeks. All along the journey homeward their presence lingered with her like the memory of a delicious song† (Chopin 248).Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Critic Peter Ramos understands The Awakening as a â€Å"subtle but compelling critique o f†¦naturalism† (Ramos 148). Through Edna, says Ramos, Chopin â€Å"implies that in order for women like Edna to survive, the philosophical boundaries and consequences associated with these literary genres can and must be overcome. By†¦presenting women who seem to have a modicum of agency and autonomy, as well as a protagonist who mistakenly comes to believe that she has no say over her own fate, it undermines naturalisms claims of determinism† (Ramos 148). However, the more distinct means by which Chopin deviates from naturalism occurs through the character of Mademoiselle Reisz, a woman who has transcended biological determinism through the commitment to her art. The independence and sacrifice that Reisz the artist embodies stands in stark relief to Edna, the mother posing as an artist. Chopin’s novel states in no uncertain terms that there are two reasons why Edna fails and ends her own life: she cannot be alone, and she cannot move beyond her iden tify as a mother, expect through death. We see this most poignantly illustrated immediately before Edna’s suicide, when she imagines â€Å"the children appeared before her like antagonists who had overcome her; who had overpowered her and sought to drag her into the soul’s slavery for the rest of her days. But she knew a way to elude them† (Chopin 300). Similarly, Edna’s inability to truly embrace her art and simultaneously, her aloneness, appears in the following passage: â€Å"Despondency had come upon her there in the wakeful night, and had never lifted. There was no one thing in the world she desired. There was no human being whom she wanted near her except Robert; and she even realized that the day would come when he, too, and the thought of him would melt out of existence, leaving her alone† (Chopin 300). Edna’s final thoughts envision the derision that Mademoiselle Reisz would heap upon her suicide, were she a witness to it.  "How Mademoiselle Reisz would have laughed, perhaps sneered, if she knew! â€Å"And you call yourself an artist! What pretensions, Madame! The artist must possess the courageous soul that dares and defies† (Chopin 302). Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"The Courageous Soul that Dares and Defies†: Naturalism in The Awakening specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Chopin’s message appears to be that though women such as Edna may delude themselves into thinking it is the fault of biology that they cannot strike out on their own, the true fault lies in their inability to free themselves from their identity as â€Å"mother-woman† (Chopin 19). In Chopin’s mind, it is Edna’s inability to fully embrace her art that keeps her at the mercy of patriarchal social restraints. In a similar vein as other turn of the century naturalist novels, Kate Chopin’s The Awakening â€Å"illumi nates the socio-economic and cultural realities women like Edna faced, as well as the physical desires and social needs society denied them† (Ramos 148). However, the novel diverges from the form in the relationship that develops between Edna and Mademoiselle Reisz, and through Reisz, Chopin delivers her ultimate message: the artist must accept the social consequences of her calling. Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Herbert S. Stone Company, 1899. Print. Pizer, Donald. American Naturalism in Its Perfected State. The Theory and Practice of American Literary Naturalism. Southern Illinois University Press, 1993. 153-166. Web. Pizer, Donald. A Note on Kate Chopins The Awakening as Naturalistic Fiction. The Southern Literary Journal 33.2 (2001): 5-13. Web. Ramos, Peter. Unbearable Realism: Freedom, Ethics and Identity in The Awakening. College Literature 37.4 (2010): 145-152. Web.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Frankinstein essays

Frankinstein essays At a first glance, readers can make an immediate connection between Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and the following three stories: the Prometheus myth, Paradise Lost, and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Shelley used allusions to these three stories in Frankenstein to help clarify many vital ideas of the work. An allusion is an implied or indirect reference that is especially used in literature. Shelleys characterization in the novel Frankenstein is effective because she uses allusion in the Prometheus myth, Paradise Lost, and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus are similar because they share an obsession for creating life. In order to illustrate this similarity, Shelley uses The Modern Prometheus (subtitle), which compares the two characters and their creations. Frankensteins creation was made out of dead human body parts, and was called The Creature. Likewise, Prometheus created human life out of clay. Both Victor and Prometheus are eventually punished as a result of their creations. Victors monster is violent and kills people, and Zeus ties Prometheus to a rock, where vultures eat his liver. The Ancient Mariner and Robert Walton are alike because they both ventured on a sea journey where they encountered bad luck. On the Ancient Mariners journey, he killed an albatross, which is a sign of bad luck. His crew made a necklace out of the albatross in which he wore for the rest of the trip. Bad luck also came during Robert Waltons journey, when he and his crew encountered dreadful weather. The crew insisted on turning around and heading back home; however, Walton wanted to continue the trip. Mary Shelley compares Walton to the Ancient Mariner when she said I am going to unexplored regions, to the land of mist and snow, but I shall kill no albatross; therefore d ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The behavior of a nonverbal student with autism Essay

The behavior of a nonverbal student with autism - Essay Example According to 2013 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), the Lamar Elementary School met 14 of 17 AYP criteria. In 2013, the school also earned API of 940, and the 2012-13 API Growth was -9. Sam is enrolled in an instructed classroom in which routine and visual structure are provided. A new program called SUCCESS is applied in the classroom, and the classroom is divided into four areas: 1:1, I.W.S., Group Area, and Small Group. In 1:1 area, an Intensive Behavior Interventionists (IBI) works with the students on their individual behavior goals. The students at the Independent Work Station (I.W.S.) are assigned tasks that they already know how to do. Moreover, the goal is for the student to come to the station, sit down, go through the tasks, and do so all independently and without needing reminders to stay on task. At Group Area, the teacher does whole group activity at the table where the purpose is mostly acquiring social skills, such as learning to sit in a group, waiting for their turn, and staying attended to the task. The teacher works with his students to cover Early Literacy Skills Building, Math curriculum, Handwriting without Tears, and the students’ IEP academic goals. Eight students are grouped for instructions based on behaviors and how the adults can best manage the students as well as their station. The overall classroom management has been more so based on behaviors of the individual students. In addition to their behavior support plans, the teacher uses token boards to reinforce desired/correct behaviors.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

User Frustration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

User Frustration - Assignment Example The other frustration is related to users’ emotional reaction to computing technology; in fact, studies have been conducted on analysis of the effects related to computer systems response time. On the other hand, the slow response time leads to increased frustration and impatient compared to fast response time. There are problem associated with mood disturbances and somatic discomfort, which raises linearity based on the amount of duration spent in the process of undertaking the procedure of data entry. Nevertheless, frustrations arising from the independence of system response duration can be solved through use of method involved in pay knowledge bases of fast web-based databases (Lazar, 2001). On the other hand, the users can consider using technical information for optimization of information collection, organization and retrieving of data. Besides, they can consider using alternative support mechanisms, which involve helpdesks service lines, which offer access to complete solutions. User Satisfaction and Frustration There are frustrations, which arise from use of lack user satisfaction; in fact, different studies have suggested that there are dependent variables that are applied for assessing the prosperity of technology. In this case, satisfaction is refers to accomplishment of an objective or a task, which is by directed behaviors that are aimed at achieving satisfaction associated with a form of need, desire or want (Jacko, Sears, & Borella, 2000). In this case, frustration emanates for interruptions, which hiders achievement of a given objective. Besides, this refers barriers that are in the path of achieving a given objective. There are both external and internal causes of frustrations through hindrances of achieving a given objective. Therefore, this can be expressed in terms of the frustration which arises when a user is prevented from achieving their anticipated result, which would have led to a satisfaction (Lazar & Norcio, 2002). Nevertheless, this is a problem that can be solved in fo cusing on ways to achieve satisfaction in the task involved despite presence of frustration. For instance, this is a problem that can be solved by seeking assistance from a help desk, which is a department that is established in a company or institution with an aim of responding to technical questions. In this case, they can handle problems, which are

Thursday, October 31, 2019

All about environmentalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

All about environmentalism - Assignment Example In this regard, this prejudice is relating environmentalism to racial, sexual, and economic discrimination; this has pushed some environmentalists to protect the rights of all the people to expand the entire ecosystem. Environmental history regards moral code is revolutionary and has caused theatrical development of the human thought. On the other hand, this discrimination was being driven forward by a certain group of individual who was enjoying the fruits from the contradiction of ethics to other groups. However, the science of ecology and diffusion into dispersal traditional eagerness, and biology came up with new commencement for a moral community (Nash, 1989). Scientific concern on the subject of the quality of the environment and interrelated public health and ecological is continuing to be rigorous. The environmental health and fortification have gone ahead to request the public, media, and the political leaders to consider being acceptable (Mikhailovich, Morrison & Arabena, 2007). In this regard, the environmental health and protection has sustained to spread out and become multifarious, they come up with programs based on managerial structure. In the same context, peculiarities are synthetic and have pushed to unsuitable organizational bewilderment, unwanted programmatic gaps and overlaps, and different activities have shared the common objective of guiding the public‘s health and ensuring environmental quality. However, in some cases, various terminologies have molded discordant administrative barriers rather than erecting organizational bridges amid the organizations involved in the fight back for environmental quality. In oth er environmental health and protection organization, programs are performed by agencies rather than the public health service (Webb & King, 2004). Moreover, environmental health and safety supervision is complicated causing challenges entailing both

Monday, October 28, 2019

Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay Example for Free

Trifles by Susan Glaspell Essay Trfles’ By Susan Glaspell I believe had several small defining moments leading to the one larger defining moment, which brings together all of them together. The defining moment is the discovery of the dead bird hidden in the pretty red box, this leads back to smaller points such as her sewing and the bird cage. â€Å" Here’s some red. I expect this has got sewing things in it. (Brings out a fancy box.) What a pretty box. Looks like something somebody would give you. Maybe her scissors are in here. (Opens box. Suddenly puts her hand to her nose.) Why—(Mrs. Peters bends nearer, then turns her face away.) There’s something wrapped up in this piece of silk.† â€Å"It’s the bird† † (Glaspell, 2011, p. 144), I believe that the two main characters in this play are Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, the sheriff’s wife. At first is seems they are part of the background story, that they are there but not part of the main action. When the ladies first sit down in the kitchen they are uneasy about being there and how the situation is making them uncomfortable. They feel as if they are judging Mrs. Wright about her house and the way things are. As the ladies discuss her situation they begin to speculate on her guilt. Initially they don’t consider Mrs. Wright as having the personality or ability to commit the crime she has been arrested for. However, as the story continues, signs begin emerging that point to the possibility of her guilt, yet they still are in disbelief. When the author introduces the quilting, it is easy to assume a mental picture of a woman under stress using it to calm her. Once the ladies find the bird cage, at first consideration, as certainly the author intended, is â€Å"what happened to the bird? Did a cat get it? Did it get ill? What could have happened?† Then, given new information about the door to the cage is broken, as if someone yanked it open. It still could have been a cat trying to get at the bird, but then Mrs. Wright didn’t like cats, so that possibility is out. The ladies begin discussing Mr. Wright and how he was a hard man to be around. Here the author begins to give readers more background story of the couple, and plants seeds for reasons to take sides with Mrs. Wright. They describe him as a good man in the way that he didn’t drink and paid his debts but was a hard man to be around, and how she was different before she became Mrs. Wright. Comparing her to a songbird, how she liked to sing and be involved in town things like church, giving her a likeable personality prior to her marriage. As they talk and pass time they are looking for her sewing things to take her so she can pass the time, they discover a pretty red box in with her quilting patches. Thinking it is a box for her scissors, they instead find the dead bird. Not just dead but someone has wrung its neck, a violent end to a tiny life. Mrs. Hale knows that Mrs. Wright was going to bury the bird in the pretty box and begins to think about the bird and how the bird would have kept her company and the beauty of its singing. Their thoughts turn to Mr. Wright and how he would have hated the birds’ singing because he killed Mrs. Wright’s singing. Mrs. Peters recounts a story of when she was a child and had a cat that was killed in front of her and how it could have, would have, hurt the person that killed her cat. At this point both ladies begin to understand a little more of what happened in the house and why. What do they do though, the men are looking for evidence. Mrs. Peters says â€Å"It was an awful thing was done in this house that night, Mrs. Hale. Killing a man while he slept, slipping a rope around his neck that choked the life out of him† (Glaspell, 2011, p. 145), and as she says this Mrs. Hale compares the similarities between the bird and Mr. Wright’s deaths. Mrs. Peters reiterates that they don’t know who killed Mr. Wright. As the women sit and talk they begin to think about what it would have been like for Mrs. Wright to have that little bird to sing to her and then have silence again. Mrs. Peters relates to Mrs. Wright’s situation by sharing her story of having lost a child before, knowing the silence or sadness that comes with a loss like that. Mrs. Hale begins to blame herself for not being a better friend and seeing what was going on, And how she could have been a better neighbor she might have been able to change things. Knowing that they should be blaming themselves for what happened there. Mrs. Peter’s comments on what the men would think if they could hear them getting carried away with a dead canary the way they are and how absurd they must sound. But would they find it as absurd as they think or would it be the evidence they are looking for? As the men come back downstairs Mrs. Hale decides to try and hide the dead bird but it won’t fit in her pocket, at the last second Mrs. Peters puts it in her purse and hides it from the sheriff and attorney that enter the room. With this action, readers are lead to believe that the women have decided that Mrs. Wright in fact did kill her husband while he slept, and that they sympathize with her. Perhaps they haven’t been in the same situation but in a way they empathize with her hopelessness and sadness, and stand unified to protect her. It is interesting that the women find evidence in the case as where the men are looking and can’t seem to come up with anything, to serve as a motive. Another example of how women were perceived in this story is how instead of asking the opinion of the women or if they found anything all they ask is if the women decided if she was going to quilt-it or knot-it. â€Å"Well, ladies, have you decided whether she was going to quilt i t or knot it?† (Glaspell, 2011, p. 144) Reference: Glaspell, S. (2011). Trifles. In D.L. Pike and A.M. Acosta (Eds.) Literature: A world of writing stories, poems, plays, and essays [VitalSource digital version] (pp. 139-145). Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions. Acosta, David L. Pike and Ana (). Literature: A World of Writing Stories, Poems, Plays, and Essays VitalSource eBook for Education Management Corporation [1] (VitalSource Bookshelf), Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Strategies for Discrimination in Adult Community Care

Strategies for Discrimination in Adult Community Care Identify and reflect on potential strategies for addressing oppression  and unfair discrimination encountered in community care for adults. Examine the implications of this process for a social worker value base. The Audit Commission report of 1986 and the Griffiths report 1988 emphasised the need for care to become consumer-led; traditionally state run services were quickly contracted out to private and voluntary sector providers. Value-for-money became key, and community care became the favoured option over and above residential care (Blakemore, 2003). Some argued that social work values became secondary to resource-led decision-making (Banks, 1995). Negative discrimination can be defined as the attribution of negative traits or features with regard to an individual, or a group of people (Thompson 2003). Generally negative discrimination relates to social and biological constructs and can be based upon a multitude of characteristics, such as gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, class, age and so on. Negative discrimination creates situations that can lead to oppressive practices, which is defined by Thompson (2001) as: â€Å"Inhuman or degrading treatment of individuals or groups; hardship and injustice brought about by one group or another; the negative and demeaning exercise of power† (pg 34) The core principle of the NHS Community Care Act 1990 was to give people the choice, where possible, being cared for in their own home (Blackmore, 2003), and the social care field was opened to market forces; services users became consumers. However, the purchasing power of service users is disparate, dependant upon social, economic and individual variables. Adults partaking in community care are particularly vulnerable to oppression where there is an imbalance in the distribution of financial or other material resources; economic status can create real disparities in the standard of care received. Service users will often find their financial resources are controlled by their carers, placing the carer in a powerful position and disempowering the service user. This can be countered by being very open with the service user and avoiding â€Å"closed† decision-making and mystery (Topps, 2001). The service user should be involved at all levels of decision-making regarding resourc es. The Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996 is encouraging as it allows local authorities to make direct payments to service users, enabling them to arrange and pay for their own care package. This is a positive step forward in empowering community care service users. It is also important for practitioners and carers to consider their use of language and its potential effects. Dehumanizing and medicalised language can result in a loss of esteem and a sense of disempowerment for the any service user, particularly those with intellectual impairments who maybe less able to understand medical terms. This can be prevented by avoiding jargon and providing lots of opportunities for questions and open discussion. Carers and social services staff should continually check themselves for use of infantilising language and ensure they engage in mature, adult discourse with service users. An example of dehumanizing language that is still used regularly in care setting is the term â€Å"manual handling†. Many physically impaired service users have reported this term as degrading (Elder-Woodward, 2001), as the implication is that the person is an object to be handled. The term â€Å"moving and assisting† is more widely accepted now. We should also consider the power that is implied through the assumption that â€Å"professionals† have superior medical knowledge, skills and expertise in relation to the community care service user. Often, care plans are based upon the medical model; the impairment is seen as the problem and the service users dependence is emphasized (Adams et al, 2002). Thompson (2001) says social work should take a â€Å"demedicalised† stance and look past the pathology, utilizing the social model of disability as described by Adams et al (2002). The social model suggests the service users needs should be considered in a much wider context, ensuring their social and mental health are given equal consideration to their medical needs. Viewing societal constraints as the problem, and not the individual, creates the frame of mind to consider how to remove barriers to mainstream social, political and economic life. Social workers should liase with service users and look towards a solutio n-focused (not impairment-focused) care plan whereby barriers are identified and solutions sought collaboratively, utilizing strengths. Social workers are trained to critically reflect on their practice to ensure they continually monitoring their reactions to, and engagement with, service users. Critically reflective practice is crucial in anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory work. Until recently, community carers were not trained in such practice and therefore were more likely to repeat oppressive practices over and over as they maybe not be aware of the implicit discriminatory messages of some behaviours. The issue is tackled by new regulations, which require all paid carers to hold an NVQ qualification. The NVQ requires carers to consider issues of discrimination and oppression, and look at significant elements of their own identity. It is important this training is followed up by regular supervision and support (Thompson 2003). Care can be stressful, and it is crucial that steps are taken to minimise pressure, where possible, and for managers/social workers to take the opportunity to debrief with carers as nec essary. The ability to identify and promote non-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice and procedure is a focal point of the social work value base (Training Organisation for Personal Social Services, 1989). Social workers must maintain awareness of the value base by using a variety of strategies to ensure service users are not discriminated against. The aforementioned strategies mean the social work value base is referred to, and reflected upon on a regular basis; it makes it a working, â€Å"live† document. All of the aforementioned strategies are referred to within the value base as issued raised by service users. Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practices are once again key focus areas for social workers and carers alike. It is encouraging that all workers are required to consider such issues within their training and as part of their value base, and steps are being taken to empower service users by facilitating the co-ordination and funding of their own care package. It remains the case that many care-receivers live with friends/family, who ultimately are in a position of considerable power over the service user, which can lead to oppression and discrimination. References Adams, Robert et al (eds) 2002 Critical Practice in Social Work. Basingstoke, Palgrave. Banks, S (1995) Ethics and Values in Social Work. Macmillan Press LTD, London Blackmore, k (2003) Social Policy: An Introduction. 2nd Ed. Buckingham, Open University Press Elder-Woodward, J (2001) Making Sense of Community Care Recent Initiatives: A service users perspective; or, Farewell to Welfare The perspective of  an ungrateful bastard. Retrieved 16th August 2005 from: paper3 (Times12).pdf Thompson, Neil (2001) Anti-discriminatory Practice 3rd Ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave. Thompson, Neil (2003) Promoting Equality: Challenging Discrimination and Oppression 2nd Ed. New York, Palgrave Training Organisation for Personal Social Services (2001) National Occupational Standards for Social Work. Topps, Leeds

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Music by Phillip Evergood :: Essays Papers

Music by Phillip Evergood The Painting Music by Philip Evergood is most definitely one of my all-time favorite paintings. The painting has so many rich colors and lively shapes. It literally makes you feel as though you were sitting either in the same room as the people in the painting or possibly even playing music along with them. I think that what Philip Evergood was trying to accomplish with this painting was a feeling of unity through music and I believe that he did an outstanding job of showing this. He made a great effort to show the diversity in his subjects. He shows old men, young men, black men, white men, old women, young women white women, and black women. He uses his theme of music to show incredible unification. One other thing that I especially liked about the painting was the fact that you could almost feel the type of music being played in this modest room. You actually get a feel for the time period and just by being able to see the detail in the individuals clothing and expressions on there face there is something here that screams jazz. In further research I found that Evergood was indeed a jazz fan and the time period 1933- 1959 does indeed make it a possibility that jazz was the music that these individuals were playing. I especially like how Evergood incorporated so many different instruments in his work. Yet another link to jazz in my opinion. He has an insane amalgamation of horns and brass and drums and violins. He has not only portrayed the diversity of music and people but he has shown the unity in music and I think that this was his main theme and I believe that it could not have been executed more beautifully by any other artist at any other time. From the theme of unity and his ability to express it so well to his actual painting technique I believe that Evergood has accomplished something that so many artists reach for. He has given his painting life. He has shown that there is a direct meaning behind themes in his painting. Themes that are not so much hidden but more or less right in your face, ready to be taken in.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Virgin Mobile Case Analysis

Virgin Mobile has strategically shaped its marketing mix to appropriately target the younger demographic. First, lets look at it’s the product element. The younger demographic is more open to new things like text messaging, downloading information from their phones, ring tones, faceplates, graphics, having access to popular entertainment on their phone, etc. For younger people, phones are less of a tool and more of a fashion accessory or personal statement. To appeal to these needs, Virgin Mobile created â€Å"VirginXtras,† which involve the delivery of popular content, features, and entertainment. They signed an exclusive, multi-year content and marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games, and other such content to Virgin Mobile subscribers. Consumers have access to branded accessories and phones, graphics, ring tones, text alerts, and voice mail. In addition to the MTV-branded content, Virgin Mobile also included the following VirginXtras: text messaging, online real-time billion, rescue ring (a prearranged â€Å"escape† call such as to avoid a bad date), wake up calls, fun audio clips, a hit list of top 10 songs in which subscribers can listen to and vote for, a music messenger that allows subscribers to shoot a message to their friends so that they listen to a song, and a movie application that provides descriptions, show times, and ticket purchases in advance. All of these features appeal to the youth market, and generate additional usage and loyalty. Next lets look at the elements of placement and distribution. Virgin Mobile adopted a channel strategy that was more closely aligned to its target-market segment. They decided to distribute their products in channels where youth shop, which means places like Target, Sam Goody, music stores, and Best Buy. These are the stores that kids usually buy consumer electronic products, such as CD players and MP3 players. Virgin Mobile decided to package their products in similar consumer electronics packaging so it would be familiar to these consumers. They created a clear, see through package where consumers can examine the phone without a salesperson helping them and purchase it like they would any other consumer electronics product they would normally buy. Virgin made a contract with the handset manufacturer Kyocera from which it buys different phone models with different features and functions. The first two basic models were bundled with interchangeable faceplates that would be decorated with eye-catching colors and patterns, bundled into a bright red starter pack. This starter pack would be easily visible on large point-of-sale displays, and available at all of the popular retailers that the younger demographic shops at. The younger demographic doesn’t want to be hassled with sales people and extra obstacles in purchasing a phone. They want fashionable, accessible, easily located, and conveniently located products. That is the exact aim Virgin Mobile was going for in its placement and distribution strategy. Another important element of the marketing mix is promotion. Virgin mobile had a much tighter focus and narrower target market than that of their competitors. This meant that they could target the youth demographic in a more direct, efficient, and less-cluttered way. As generally noted, the younger generation is more responsive to advertisement that is up-to-date, modern, fun, and relates to the â€Å"young and hip† attitude of their generation. Since younger consumers often view their phone as a personal statement, it was important for Virgin Mobile to reach this personal and youthful side. They devised an advertising that the company described as â€Å"quirky, offbeat, and completely different. The ads featured teens and made use of strange, quirky metaphors. They named their phone models â€Å"Party Animal† and â€Å"Super Model† to relate to pop culture and the younger generation’s lifestyle. Virgin Mobile used this unique promotional strategy to stand out from the rest of crowd and truly make a statement to the younger demographic with ads that are not boring and â€Å"run-of-the-mill. † They were a lot more unique, creative, and entertaining—all attributes that younger consumers value. Furthermore, the company worked with popular youth magazines to publish â€Å"advertorial† pieces. Virgin Mobile also executed numerous high-profile street marketing events that featured paid performers—dancers and gymnasts dressed in red from head to toe—who engaged in various stunts. Perhaps the most famous and attention grabbing promotional stint was for the launch of the Virgin Mobile USA service. The cast of The Full Monty—a popular Broadway show—appeared with Sir Richard Branson (Virgin founder) dangling from a building in NYC Time Square wearing nothing but a large Virgin Mobile red phone. It is events and promotional stints like these that truly reach out the younger aged consumers—bold, exciting, modern, and fun. Virgin Mobile Case Analysis Virgin Mobile has strategically shaped its marketing mix to appropriately target the younger demographic. First, lets look at it’s the product element. The younger demographic is more open to new things like text messaging, downloading information from their phones, ring tones, faceplates, graphics, having access to popular entertainment on their phone, etc. For younger people, phones are less of a tool and more of a fashion accessory or personal statement. To appeal to these needs, Virgin Mobile created â€Å"VirginXtras,† which involve the delivery of popular content, features, and entertainment. They signed an exclusive, multi-year content and marketing agreement with MTV networks to deliver music, games, and other such content to Virgin Mobile subscribers. Consumers have access to branded accessories and phones, graphics, ring tones, text alerts, and voice mail. In addition to the MTV-branded content, Virgin Mobile also included the following VirginXtras: text messaging, online real-time billion, rescue ring (a prearranged â€Å"escape† call such as to avoid a bad date), wake up calls, fun audio clips, a hit list of top 10 songs in which subscribers can listen to and vote for, a music messenger that allows subscribers to shoot a message to their friends so that they listen to a song, and a movie application that provides descriptions, show times, and ticket purchases in advance. All of these features appeal to the youth market, and generate additional usage and loyalty. Next lets look at the elements of placement and distribution. Virgin Mobile adopted a channel strategy that was more closely aligned to its target-market segment. They decided to distribute their products in channels where youth shop, which means places like Target, Sam Goody, music stores, and Best Buy. These are the stores that kids usually buy consumer electronic products, such as CD players and MP3 players. Virgin Mobile decided to package their products in similar consumer electronics packaging so it would be familiar to these consumers. They created a clear, see through package where consumers can examine the phone without a salesperson helping them and purchase it like they would any other consumer electronics product they would normally buy. Virgin made a contract with the handset manufacturer Kyocera from which it buys different phone models with different features and functions. The first two basic models were bundled with interchangeable faceplates that would be decorated with eye-catching colors and patterns, bundled into a bright red starter pack. This starter pack would be easily visible on large point-of-sale displays, and available at all of the popular retailers that the younger demographic shops at. The younger demographic doesn’t want to be hassled with sales people and extra obstacles in purchasing a phone. They want fashionable, accessible, easily located, and conveniently located products. That is the exact aim Virgin Mobile was going for in its placement and distribution strategy. Another important element of the marketing mix is promotion. Virgin mobile had a much tighter focus and narrower target market than that of their competitors. This meant that they could target the youth demographic in a more direct, efficient, and less-cluttered way. As generally noted, the younger generation is more responsive to advertisement that is up-to-date, modern, fun, and relates to the â€Å"young and hip† attitude of their generation. Since younger consumers often view their phone as a personal statement, it was important for Virgin Mobile to reach this personal and youthful side. They devised an advertising that the company described as â€Å"quirky, offbeat, and completely different. The ads featured teens and made use of strange, quirky metaphors. They named their phone models â€Å"Party Animal† and â€Å"Super Model† to relate to pop culture and the younger generation’s lifestyle. Virgin Mobile used this unique promotional strategy to stand out from the rest of crowd and truly make a statement to the younger demographic with ads that are not boring and â€Å"run-of-the-mill. † They were a lot more unique, creative, and entertaining—all attributes that younger consumers value. Furthermore, the company worked with popular youth magazines to publish â€Å"advertorial† pieces. Virgin Mobile also executed numerous high-profile street marketing events that featured paid performers—dancers and gymnasts dressed in red from head to toe—who engaged in various stunts. Perhaps the most famous and attention grabbing promotional stint was for the launch of the Virgin Mobile USA service. The cast of The Full Monty—a popular Broadway show—appeared with Sir Richard Branson (Virgin founder) dangling from a building in NYC Time Square wearing nothing but a large Virgin Mobile red phone. It is events and promotional stints like these that truly reach out the younger aged consumers—bold, exciting, modern, and fun.