Saturday, November 2, 2019

User Frustration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

User Frustration - Assignment Example The other frustration is related to users’ emotional reaction to computing technology; in fact, studies have been conducted on analysis of the effects related to computer systems response time. On the other hand, the slow response time leads to increased frustration and impatient compared to fast response time. There are problem associated with mood disturbances and somatic discomfort, which raises linearity based on the amount of duration spent in the process of undertaking the procedure of data entry. Nevertheless, frustrations arising from the independence of system response duration can be solved through use of method involved in pay knowledge bases of fast web-based databases (Lazar, 2001). On the other hand, the users can consider using technical information for optimization of information collection, organization and retrieving of data. Besides, they can consider using alternative support mechanisms, which involve helpdesks service lines, which offer access to complete solutions. User Satisfaction and Frustration There are frustrations, which arise from use of lack user satisfaction; in fact, different studies have suggested that there are dependent variables that are applied for assessing the prosperity of technology. In this case, satisfaction is refers to accomplishment of an objective or a task, which is by directed behaviors that are aimed at achieving satisfaction associated with a form of need, desire or want (Jacko, Sears, & Borella, 2000). In this case, frustration emanates for interruptions, which hiders achievement of a given objective. Besides, this refers barriers that are in the path of achieving a given objective. There are both external and internal causes of frustrations through hindrances of achieving a given objective. Therefore, this can be expressed in terms of the frustration which arises when a user is prevented from achieving their anticipated result, which would have led to a satisfaction (Lazar & Norcio, 2002). Nevertheless, this is a problem that can be solved in fo cusing on ways to achieve satisfaction in the task involved despite presence of frustration. For instance, this is a problem that can be solved by seeking assistance from a help desk, which is a department that is established in a company or institution with an aim of responding to technical questions. In this case, they can handle problems, which are

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