Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Gender Inequality in the Workplace - 1247 Words

Women have experienced a historic situation of inequality in the social as well as professional aspects. Women were normally the ones that would take care of children, do the chores in the house, and in rural areas; they would work in the field with the rest of the family. However, today’s women have become more self-sufficient and independent from the predominant male figure within every historical family. Gender inequality in the workplace is becoming less common; yet, gender is a factor that affects men and women. Especially women have been subjected to a historical discrimination that has influenced society to decide which job is more suitable for women than men. However women have confronted and tried to break down the barriers that†¦show more content†¦This consists of six main themes; the theme about gender â€Å"†¦acknowledges that men and women are not the same but insists on their right to be equal before the law and treated without discrimination.â⠂¬  Currently, according to statistics from the Department of Labor of the United States; of the â€Å"123 million women age 16 years and over, 58.6 percent or 72 million were labor force participants and in the long run, women are projected to account for 51 percent of the increase in total labor force growth between 2008 and 2018† (U.S. Department of Labor). These numbers will clearly demonstrate to any skeptic that women are leaving behind their old dependence on men and becoming more autonomous and self-determined to succeed; it sounds great, doesn’t it? On the other hand; however, men are losing as women are gaining. The Department of Labor has reported that men have lost about 4.75 million jobs during the current economic recession that started in 2007, while women have only lost 1.66 million. Additionally, â€Å"the only parts of the economy still growing—health care, education and government—have traditionally hired mostly women†( Cauchon). Now, as a result, of the statistics that show that females are overcoming males in the workplace; the gender segregation has created some kind of imaginary â€Å"glass ceiling† that impedes both sexes from advancing professionally and economically. The term â€Å"glass ceiling† isShow MoreRelatedWorkplace Inequality And Gender Inequality1678 Words   |  7 PagesWorkplace Inequality Brittany N. Shipley Central Penn College Abstract As you are reading you will be informed of the many factors that can contribute to workplace inequality. 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