Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Technology Has On Teenagers Like Me - 864 Words

â€Å"Are you even listening?†, â€Å"You’re not even paying attention!†, â€Å"It’s like you’re married to your phone!† If I had a dime for every time my parents have uttered these phrases to me, I’d be a millionaire. Yet, how could they not? Especially when it comes to today’s society. Technology might just be the biggest obstacle in human relationships. Using sources I found in literature and the database, I was able to compare and contrast human relationships before and after new technology was invented, use cause effect to explain the effects that technology has on teenagers like me, and analyze human relationships that have been affected by different media outlets. Let’s see if I can write this essay without getting distracted by my technological devices. Life before the 2000s and parts of the nineties can be considered as the good ole’ days. Most parents, grandparents, and adults can agree with that statemen t. This is because life didn’t include Apple products, social media, or any other technological advancements. Yes there were televisions, radios, computers, and even cell phones. However, children and teenagers were not as addicted to them as teenagers are now. I don’t know about other parents, but my parent’s only wish is that we can have family time without any type of technology. If I knew any better they would wish to live in the time of E.B. White’s essay, â€Å"Once More to the Lake†. A time where you could make memories that are â€Å"infinitely precious and worth saving† (WhiteShow MoreRelatedThe Responsibility that Comes with Modern Information and Communication Technolgy1321 Words   |  6 PagesThe introduction of technology into human life has made it easier for man to do work faster and more efficient in various companies and industries. In 1973, Martin Cooper, senior development engineer of Motorola, invented the first handhel d cell phone. 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