Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Symbolism in the Secret Lion - 724 Words
Symbolism in The Secret Lion The Secret Lion, written by Alberto Rios, is a short story rich in symbolism. The lion, or more specifically a secret lion, the arroyo, or river, and the grinding ball are all symbols used in the story to reinforce the theme of coming of age. The first and most obvious symbol in the story is the lion, or more specifically, the secret lion. It is not a literal lion. The lion of the story represents things that are big and the secret of it is that it is unexplained, or even ignored. It suggests change, and it is a change that is big and confusing. The secret lion is a symbol of coming of age and understanding that with change there is loss, and to hold onto something, it must be secret. The narrator†¦show more content†¦This ball represents perfection in an imperfect environment, and at this time, anything that good wasnt meant to last, because it would be taken away. Like their childhood. Like their whole perception of their whole world. This ritual, the burial of the ball, is an attempt to stop time, and to preserve perfection in an imperfect world. It was so perfect that they did not want to loose it, We buried it because it wasShow MoreRelatedHemingway s Secret Autobiography : Symbols1398 Words  | 6 Pa gesJames Wang Ms. D. Phillips English 9H 6 October 2015 Hemingway’s Secret Autobiography Symbols. Since the origins of organized society, mankind’s imagination has implanted deeper, figurative connotations in the simplest of objects. The dawn of Christianity saw to the introduction of one of the most impactful symbols to this day: Jesus of Nazareth s Cross. The Cross to this day embodies both the physical representation of the values of Christianity, all the while being a tangible token of atonementRead More Comparing Symbols and Symbolism in Blue Hotel, Black Cat, Night, Alfred Prufrock, Red Wheelbarrow1620 Words  | 7 PagesColor Symbolism in Blue Hotel, Black Cat, Night, Alfred Prufrock, Red Wheelbarrow     Symbolism of colors is evident in much of literature. The Blue Hotel by Stephen Crane, The Black Cat of Edgar Allan Poe, Night by William Blake, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot, and The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams encompass examples of color symbolism from both the prose and the poetry of literature. When drawing from various modes of psychology, interpretationsRead MoreJourney The Wardrobe Of Parallels1054 Words  | 5 PagesJourney the Wardrobe of Parallels The â€Å"Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe†is a fantasy novel written by C. S. Lewis. The fairytale is set in a magical world with no limits to the imagination. Endangered by World War II, four siblings named Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy where sent by their mom to live with Professor Kirke in a big house in the countryside of London. In the house there are many rooms and many doors. While playing hide-in-seek, the youngest child, Lucy discoversRead More Animal Influences in Paleolithic, Egyptian and Greek Art Essay1428 Words  | 6 Pagesspiritual purpose. Researchers, â€Å"took what they thought were the most important features of the content of Paleolithic art (the animals, the arrows. etc.) and stressing the locality of the art (deep done in caves far from habitation) inferred a secret magical function.†1 The paintings depict strong, dangerous, and swift animals which may be a form of sympathetic magic, in an attempt to control them through representation.(fig. 1) Many paintings have marks indicating wounds or bleeding, whichRead MoreAn American Classic Children s Movie, The Lion King Essay1674 Words  | 7 PagesAn American classic children’s movie, The Lion King, is a musical film produced by Walt Disney. The original story focuses on a young lion who spirits into a self-imposed exile after believing he was at fault for his father’s death. Although the film targets a younger audience, it contains a substantial amount of symbolism that only adults would understand. In order to examine The Lion King, I will employ â€Å"The Hero’s Journey†established by Joseph Campbell’s book â€Å"The Hero with a Thousand Faces†Read MoreThe Secret River By Kate Grenville And William Shakespeare1467 Words  | 6 Pagesexpress both similar and different ideas of difference and power? The Secret River, set in England and Australia, was written by Kate Grenville in 2006. William Shakespeare’s play Othello was written in 1603 and set in Venice. Kate Grenville and William Shakespeare used compositional features to express both similar and different ideas of difference and power. They have cohesive ideas of power such as the use of structure and symbolism to convey power however, differ in their structure. They both expressedRead MoreHow does the book of Daniel relate to Revelation? How is John using the imagery of Daniel?2605 Words  | 7 Pagessecond second-century B.C in the time of Maccabees (Nelson 1982). There are three famous stories in the book of Daniel which are ‘three young Hebrew men in the fiery furnace’, ‘the hand writing on the wall at Belhshazzar’s feast’, and ‘Daniel in the lions’ den’. Apart from famous stories, the book of Daniel is an apocalypse of the Old Testament in which it records dreams, visions and their interpretations which are not very easy to understand. However, the book is as relevant today as it was in Daniel’sRead MoreThe Seven Books in The Chronicles of Narnia1202 Words  | 5 Pageswith talking mythical animals. Does this fantasy series for children hold a deeper meaning? The C.S. Lewis’ series ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ may not be a direct parallel to Christian symbolism, but the stories and characters of Narnia do contain parallel biblical truths. Lewis’ The Magicians Nephew and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe both hold Christian allegory, revealing a variety of religious prophecies such as Christ creating earth, Jesus dies for humanity’s sins, and temptation in theRead MoreSymbolism Of The Old Man And The Sea4019 Words  | 17 PagesSymbolism in The Old Man and the Sea Symbolism, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is defined as â€Å"the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representations. This means that any living or non-living object can be visualized as a symbol of something significant. Symbolism, however, used in a piece of literature, is something that makes the story more passionate, moreRead MoreThe Secret River By Kate Grenville1267 Words  | 6 PagesAttaining an honest and genuine level of self-awareness and knowledge in any walk of life is not a feat easily achieved. In Kate Grenville’s novel The Secret River we see William Thornhill endeavouring to come to grips with his environment and social standing. Subsequently in F Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald’s titular hero’s internal struggle with persona and ambition; prevent him from realizing such a vict ory. William Thornhill’s world begins in a Dickensian London, and is then
Technology Has On Teenagers Like Me - 864 Words
â€Å"Are you even listening?†, â€Å"You’re not even paying attention!†, â€Å"It’s like you’re married to your phone!†If I had a dime for every time my parents have uttered these phrases to me, I’d be a millionaire. Yet, how could they not? Especially when it comes to today’s society. Technology might just be the biggest obstacle in human relationships. Using sources I found in literature and the database, I was able to compare and contrast human relationships before and after new technology was invented, use cause effect to explain the effects that technology has on teenagers like me, and analyze human relationships that have been affected by different media outlets. Let’s see if I can write this essay without getting distracted by my technological devices. Life before the 2000s and parts of the nineties can be considered as the good ole’ days. Most parents, grandparents, and adults can agree with that statemen t. This is because life didn’t include Apple products, social media, or any other technological advancements. Yes there were televisions, radios, computers, and even cell phones. However, children and teenagers were not as addicted to them as teenagers are now. I don’t know about other parents, but my parent’s only wish is that we can have family time without any type of technology. If I knew any better they would wish to live in the time of E.B. White’s essay, â€Å"Once More to the Lake†. A time where you could make memories that are â€Å"infinitely precious and worth saving†(WhiteShow MoreRelatedThe Responsibility that Comes with Modern Information and Communication Technolgy1321 Words  | 6 PagesThe introduction of technology into human life has made it easier for man to do work faster and more efficient in various companies and industries. In 1973, Martin Cooper, senior development engineer of Motorola, invented the first handhel d cell phone. This technological breakthrough made life super easy for businesspersons, government agencies, and parents to communicate and do business. College students, especially those in relationships, could now communicate with each other directly without disturbingRead MoreThe Impact of Mobile Phones on Teenagers1244 Words  | 5 PagesHoward, Prime Minster of Australia, to hear the concerns of Australia, a conclusive survey was conducted and revealed that children and teenagers are not aware of the major issues regarding mobile phones. Consequently, these issues need to be recognized by youth and society in order to prevent the harmful effects regarding addiction, health and debt amongst teenagers. These findings will be discussed in great detail in regard to health effects, addiction and debt along with recommendations to alleviateRead MoreMy Parents Always Encouraged Me909 Words  | 4 PagesMy parents always encouraged me to read in order to expand my way of thinking . Throughout the years, I now see that yes indeed reading did expand my mind and in the unimaginable ways as well as helped me grow as an individual. Reading has impacted me both in positive and negative aspects. Whenever I was read to or I reading to myself I remember Dr. Seuss words â€Å"The more you read the more things you know. The more that you learn the more places you’ll go†and day by day seeing the truth of those wordsRead MoreThe use of technology can be harmful for teenagers1109 Words  | 5 Pages2011 The use of technology can be harmful for teenagers. In the present day teens need to use technology everyday in order to feel complete and have an exited and fulfilling life. Authors like Neil Howe (Millennials Rising, Vintage, 200) and Don Tapscott (Grown Up Digital, Mcgrawhill, 2008) have documented the use of technology in the need millennium and they’re convinced that spending too much time on the web is not a good thing for young people (Tucker 16). A lot of teenagers cant go a day withoutRead MoreTeens Should Limit How Much Time They Spend On Technology1017 Words  | 5 Pages November 20, 2015 Technology is Influencing Teenagers Don’t you find it annoying when everywhere you look you see teens on their phones? I think teenagers should limit how much time they spend on technology because it limits their communication abilities and takes up most of their free time. These are two major problems that teens today face. According to the Pew Research Center, 72% of teenagers text regularly, and one in three sends more than 100 texts per day. Texting has become the fastest wayRead MoreTechnology Is The Answer On Technology966 Words  | 4 Pagesnow have to face. You may ask, what could cause this? What possibly could teens have to face today? Technology is the answer. Technology should be helping to uplift this generation but it’s actually stunning it. My generation is using technology for all the wrong reasons; sexting, texting while driving and walking, social media and video games etc. In recent years the new phenomenon among teens has been sexting. To try and take control of this the court systems have started to charge teens for sextingRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society922 Words  | 4 Pagess day and age the new thing is technology, every day teenagers spend countless hours on the phones or their computers a day. They are on there going through and making new friends and having fun. They can go on and and instant message them for advice on home work or just talk and interact with one another. They can virtually do anything they want to. But on there is always a downside on the internet. Facebook is a wonderful tool for anybody and everybody, who has access to the internet. And thatRead MoreTechnology Is Making Our Lives Easier928 Words  | 4 PagesThere is no doubt that technology is making our lives easier. We live in a society where technology is used on a daily basis. If you don’t use technology you’re making life hard for yourself. There are many advantages and as many disadvantages in using technology. Technology has completely changed the mankind. We have information on our fingertips at all times. It’s fast, convenient and very useful in today’s society. People nowadays look for answers using technology instead of doing research themselvesRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On Children1385 Words  | 6 Pagesmoments, or those selfies that make us popular with friends; the ones that help us gain followers. Or using it for the right reason of communicating with family all over the world and meeting new friends abroad. But do n’t you think that users such as teenagers in specific take advantage of what social media is actually for. At times parents are confused because they think that their child is using Facebook for the connection of their loved ones, or even group chats that are meant for positive feedbackRead MoreSexting As A Teenage Moral Panic1480 Words  | 6 PagesSocial media has become an outlet for teenagers to communicate constantly, monitor each other’s lives, and control what they want others to see. As social media is becoming more and more popular, more teenage moral panics are occurring. A moral panic is defined as the â€Å"fear of a new technology’s or cultural form’s negative impact outside of parental control.†(Jackson) Throughout these past few years, there have been an endless amount of teenage moral panics. Snapchat is an application that has caused
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fallacy Paper - 991 Words
Fallacies are committed in every state, in every city and in every neighborhood. No race or gender is impervious to committing a fallacy. So, what is a fallacy? Patrick J. Hurley defines a fallacy as, â€Å"A defect in an argument that consists in something other than false premises alone.†These defects result in misconception in an argument. Many times they are accidental, other times they are committed on purpose. However, either way, fallacies can be very persuasive to the casual reader or listener. One in particular, the false cause fallacy, is used quite often in today’s society. Hurley states that, â€Å"The fallacy of false cause occurs whenever the link between premises and conclusion depends on some imagined causal connection†¦show more content†¦A remedy society knows as â€Å"trial and error.†People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) use fallacies in almost all of their advertisements. In fact, ‘Veggie Love,’ a super bowl video ad by PETA, claims that vegetarians have better sex. In the video, gorgeous women dressed in lingerie are groping broccoli, asparagus and even a licking a pumpkin. This video commits the false cause fallacy because it expresses that people are having great sex because they are vegetarians. In addition, if a person wants to have great sex, they need to become a vegetarian. It is also possible that an argument commit more than one fallacy at a time. This video also commits the hasty generalization fallacy, because it states that if you eat vegetables you will have great sex with gorgeous women, therefore the obvious conclusion is that all vegetarians have great sex! To tell these two different types of fallacies apart a reader or listener must know what defines these two types of fallacies. Because ‘Veggie Love’ focuses on vegetarians and great sex, and PETA claims that there is a causal connection between the two, it can be defin ed as a false cause fallacy. Because the video also claims that people who eat vegetables have great sex, we can assume that all vegetarians have great sex which can be defined asShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of William Mortimer J. Adler s Article Analysis844 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle â€Å"How to Mark a Book,†he argues that you should mark up your book to note significant information. Adler argues, through rhetorical appeals and fallacies, that as you write in a book it becomes â€Å"absorbed in your bloodstream,†and allows you to fully own the book. As readers searching for these techniques we can become immune to the fallacies by recognizing them and thereby acknowledging the argument for what it truly is. How to Mark A Book, uses an abundance of logos in addition to otherRead MoreThe Maysles Brothers And The Rhetorical Appeals Of Pathos, Logos, And Ethos987 Words  | 4 Pagesview from Marlon Brando being a man who is challenging and uncooperative, to someone who is intelligent, charming, and light-hearted. In this film, the Maysles Brothers use the rhetorical appeals of pathos, logos, and ethos, as well as including fallacies such as exclusion, appealing to the crowd, and red herring. In the interviews with Brando, one of the rhetorical appeals that the Maysles Brothers use is that of pathos, appealing to the audience’s emotions. One way that the film makers are ableRead MoreThank You for Smoking - Fallacies896 Words  | 4 PagesNica Javier CRITHIN A62 Ms. Hazel Biana August 5, 2013 â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†film viewing Identifying fallacies paper. The movie, â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†is a comedy with a tobacco industry lobbyist, Nick Naylor as the lead. The movie has an eerie comic theme which tackles the serious issue of the addicting substance of tobacco, or to be more specific, nicotine. The idea which the movie was trying to portray was that this lobbyist was a great speaker who is able to manipulate manyRead More Fallacies Essay1313 Words  | 6 PagesFallacies The use of critical thinking requires one to understand how to comprehend an argument. Part of this comprehension includes the ability to recognize a logical fallacy in an argument. The understanding of logical fallacies will help one become a better critical thinker by enabling them to break apart an argument from an opponent and debate the argument by pointing out the flaws. In this paper I will be discussing the Straw Man fallacy, the Red Herring Fallacy, and the Weak Analogy fallacyRead More Fallacy Summary and Application Essay838 Words  | 4 Pageslogical fallacies. A logical fallacy is an argument that contains a mistake in reasoning (2002). When using critical thinking to make decisions, an individual or group needs to be aware of logical fallacies and how they relate to decision-making. Logical fallacies can be used to manipulate a situation and if a person or group does not recognize logical fallacies, the person or group can be manipulated during the decision-making pr ocess. This paper will discuss three common logical fallacies and howRead MoreStereotypes - A Hasty Generalization Essay example961 Words  | 4 Pagesfrequently encounter stereotypes and have made hasty conclusions about others. This paper will discuss a few stereotypes that I have faced in the military. Women have been serving honorably in the military for centuries; yet, the some of the stereotypes still exist. There are still men who make blanket assumptions or hasty generalizations about women in the military. According to Mosser (2011), Often the fallacy of hasty generalization can lead to damaging stereotypes made on the basis of justRead MoreFallacies Essay997 Words  | 4 PagesFallacies A fallacy is defined as a kind of error in reasoning. They can be persuasive and be created both unintentionally and intentionally in order to deceive others from the truth. Fallacies often indicate a false belief or cause of a false belief (dowden, 2006). An argument or situation commits a fallacy when the reasons offered do not support the conclusion. This defeats the purpose of the argument since its point is to give reason to support the conclusion. Fallacies affect the outcome ofRead MoreThe Argument Against Women s Combat1122 Words  | 5 Pagesnation well. There is no reason to change what is already working. Our military is successful and will continue to be so†(ibid.). In saying this, however, he is providing an emotional fallacy to the listener. He is appealing with Americans to keep with their traditions. Bush also, unintentionally, gives a post hoc fallacy when he alludes to the fact that if women fought in combat, our military wouldn’t be as successful. Furthermore, he makes the assumption that if women were allowed to fight in combatRead MoreUnderstanding How Fallacies, Critical Thinking and Decision Making Techniques Are All Linked Togethe1689 Words  | 7 Pagesall comes together 1 Understanding how fallacies, critical thinking and decision making techniques are all linked together. What is a logical fallacy? According to the Webster dictionary (1996), a fallacy is a false notion. A statement or argument based on a false or invalid inference. Fallacies can be divided into two different groups; the first one is the fallacy of relevance where the premises are irrelevant to the outcome. The other is fallacy of insufficient evidence, where the premisesRead MoreFallacy Summary and Application Essay1066 Words  | 5 PagesFallacy Summary and Application Abstract Throughout this paper, we will discuss the relative meanings of fallacies and the importance they have in regards to critical thinking and the decision-making processes. Within the process of critical thinking, fallacies tend to play a very large part of this process. By definition, a fallacy is a statement or an argument based on a false or invalid reference (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language). As you will read on further into this
Lemon Battery - 686 Words
1 2 1. â€Å"Sight Unseen†Written by Brandon Barnes (ASCAP), Joseph Principe (ASCAP), Timothy McIlrath (ASCAP), Zach Blair (ASCAP). Published by Sony/ATV Tunes LLC / Do It To Win Music (ASCAP). Produced by Bill Stevenson. Performed by Rise Against. Courtesy of Geffen Records under license from Universal Music Enterprises. 2008 Geffen Records 2. â€Å"THISKIDSNOTALRIGHT†Written by Aaron R. Bruno. Published by AWOLNATION Music (BMI)/Red Bull Media House GmbH (AKM/AUME). Produced by Aaron R. Bruno. Performed by AWOLNATION. Courtesy of Red Bull Records. 2013 Red Bull Records, Inc. 3. â€Å"Evil Friends†Written by Portugal. The Man and Danger Mouse. Published by WB Music Corp. (ASCAP) and Approaching Airballoons (ASCAP). All rights OBO itself and†¦show more content†¦Published by Neon Knights Inc. (BMI/SOCAN). Produced by Jesse Keeler and Al Puodziukas. Performed by MSTRKRFT. Courtesy of Neon Knights Inc. 9. â€Å"Fallen†Written and Produced by Jacob Plant. Published by Copyright Control. Performed by Jacob Plant. Courtesy of Three Six Zero Group 10. â€Å"Villain†Written by Michael Render. Published by Aniyah’s Music ASCAP/Royalty Network. Produced by Zone Beats. Performed by Killer Mike. Courtesy of Grindtime Official Records. 2013 Grindtime Official Records 11. â€Å"Refusal To Die†Written by Neil Quin, Carlin Nicholson, Michael O’Brien, Robert Drake. Published by GalleryAC Music (SOCAN). Produced by Zeus. Performed by Zeus. Courtesy of Arts Crafts Productions. 2013 Arts Crafts Productions Inc. 12. â€Å"Another Soulmate†Written by Perry Farrell, Dave Navarro, Chris Chaney, Stephen Perkins. Published by Universal/Rondor. Produced by Jane’s Addiction and Michael Tuller. Performed by Jane’s Addiction. Courtesy of Hypersonic. 2013 Hypersonic 3 4 Album Produced by RISHI SHAH Executive Album Producers: JASON LINN and KEVIN KERTES Album Business Affairs: JAImIE ROBERTS, mIcHAEL HAFITz and DIRK HEBERT Album Clearances: NEIL SHULmAN Art Direction: SANDEEP SRIRAm Mastered by: LOUIE TERAN at Marcussen Mastering THANKS TO: Adrian Amodeo, Russell Arons, Pete Axelrad, Maria Belli, Ed Boon, Paul Broucek, Rich Carle, Rocco Carrozza, Irene Chan, Cà ©leigh Chapman, Andrew Cook, Rigo Cortes, Jamal Dauda, Craig Degraff, Brett Fischer, DanShow MoreRelatedThesis: Lemon Battery Making2784 Words  | 12 PagesLEMON BATTERY: A PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVE Thesis Statement: Lemon is a kind of voltaic battery that contains citric acid that could generate LED; digital clocks; calculators; small devices and among others sufficiently like ordinary batteries, economically. OUTLINE: I. Basic Information About Lemon Battery A. What Is Battery? B. Definition Of Lemon C. History Of Lemon D. History Of Lemon Battery E. Definition Of Lemon Battery F. Lemon BatteryRead MoreOrange and Lemon Can Produce Electricity Chemistry Research Work2585 Words  | 11 PagesA Investigatory Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Chemistry 9, Fourth Quarter Orange and Lemon Can Produce Electricity Submitted by: Submitted to: Chemistry Teacher Date: Table of Content I. Acknowledgement _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p. II. Abstract _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p. III. Introduction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p. IV. Chapter 1: Problem and It’s Background * a. ObjectivesRead MoreCarrot Battery1102 Words  | 5 PagesMake a Carrot Battery This activity uses a common carrot and two different metals to make a enough electricity to run a small digital clock. Materials: Two Large Raw Carrots; 2 Pennies; 2 Large Galvanized Nails; 3 pieces of 6 long wire; Small Digital Clock (Tandy (Radio Shack) or Maplin - Stick-on Timer  £3.50/ $4.99. The digital clock can be extracted from an inexpensive alarm clock or it can be purchased from an electronics store. Slice of about 1 inch from each carrot and discard. PlaceRead MoreThe Epa Estimates Americans Purchase Nearly 3 Billion Batteries1121 Words  | 5 Pages The EPA estimates Americans purchase nearly 3 billion batteries each year (D., 2009). A battery is also known as a voltaic cell, and the energy generated and stored by a battery is actually a result of chemical reactions and not mechanical motion. Batteries are contained in nearly every common electronic device, ranging from small devices like smartphones to larger scale products like automobiles, and chemistry is the driving force behind the function of these batteries.Batteries consist of galvanicRead MoreOrange Battery1636 Words  | 7 PagesSCIENCE INVESTIGATORY PROJECT ORANGE BATTERY (ENERGY DERIVED FROM ORANGES) Submitted By: GROUP 4 I – Alpha Centauri Leader: Jake Russell S. Arevalo Members: Iris A. Gervacio Shara Lyn R. Castrillo Mary Claire A. Malata Ivhan S. Sancho Submitted To: Teacher Hazel F. Solis TABLE OF CONTENTS I. ABSTRACT 2 II. INTRODUCTION 3 III. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 4 IV. METHODOLOGY 6 V. FINISHED PRODUCT 9 VI. CONCLUSIONRead MoreThe Theory Of Batteries And Electrochemical Cells2009 Words  | 9 PagesIn class I was introduced to the concepts of batteries and electrochemical cells. I am really interested in batteries and how they work and what goes into making a battery. I was inspired to this experiment mostly because I want to study electrical engineering in university and I wanted to find out the chemistry behind the production of the electrical energy in batteries. During my reading, I found out that the first battery was actually invented by Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta and wasRead MoreThe Utilization of Kamias (Averrhoa Bilimbi), Lemon (Citrus Limonium), Lime (Cituse Auretifolea) and Calamansi (Citrofortunella Microcarpa) Extract as an Alternative Component for Dry Cell4752 Words  | 20 PagesThe Utilization of Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi), Lemon (Citrus limonium), Lime (Cituse auretifolea) and Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) Extract as an Alternative Component for Dry Cell A Science Investigatory Project Submitted to Mrs. Luzviminda M. Bago As a Requirement in the Subject Reseasrch-I By: TOLEDO, JAYCEE N. GARCES, DOROTHY ANNE D. FALLEJO, JOBELLE ROSE A. Dasmarià ±as National High School III-Lavoisier Special Science Class S.Y. 2012- 2013 ABSTRACT The study entitledRead MorePotato Powered Clock672 Words  | 3 PagesPotato Powered Clock Theory: Potato as a Battery Hypothesis: Potatoes have starch in them which is a natural sugar that can be broken down naturally for a release of energy and generate enough power to run a digital clock. Problem Statement: Can ordinary potatoes power a digital clock for more than 24 hours? Variables: * Independent Variable – Potato * Dependent Variables – Clock, connection wires, copper and zinc plates Materials Needed: * Digital Clock with 2 Wires Read MoreVinegar as Alternative Battery1708 Words  | 7 PagesVinegar as Alternative Battery An Investigatory Project Presented to The Faculty of the High School Department Surigao Education Center Km. 2, Surigao City _______________________________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Physics IV _______________________________________________ By: Edradan, Dhaniel Jefferson Yaun, Mary Allyssa Concon, Leonel Galos, Jancirfil Jimena, Rimar Villarojo, Kerr March 2013 APPROVAL SHEET Vinegar as Alternative Battery Prepared amp; SubmittedRead MoreChemistry Book 3 - Aristo (Answers)13160 Words  | 53 Pagescause leakage of acid. Suitability of using it as a car battery: ( It is very suitable for use as a car battery, since starting the car needs a large and steady current. Besides, frequent replacement of battery is inconvenient particularly when the car is travelling a long journey between cities. ( The disadvantages do not affect its suitability for use as a car battery. The car is powerful enough to carry the battery along. The acid electrolyte does not leak out unless the car
American Literature Free Sample by Experts of MyAssignmenthelp
Questions: 1) In O'Conner's "Good Country People," how are the character's names significant? Is there any symbolism in them? Also, the term "good country people" is thrown around a lot in the story--what does it mean? Do different characters have different definitions?2) What does the term entropy mean and how is this idea presented in Pynchons short story? How does the form, characters, setting and narrative of the story advance this theme? How is this story demonstrative of postmodernist technique? Answers: 1: Good Country People Flannery OConnor has designed the names of different characters of Good Country People with a prompt intention to symbolize the controlled satiric sense of modern world that have neither any moral vision or knowledge. As the name of Mrs. Hopewell sounds sheer hopeful and rejoicing to the readers but she is portrayed as a Georgian farm owner who does not have any futuristic vision of better living. The tenants Mr. and Mrs. Freeman have not availed freedom or empowerment as they are completely dependent on Mrs. Hopewell who have let them work in her farm. Joy has changed her name into Hulga that symbolizes systematic and meticulous lifestyle. On the contrary it is important to note that, the vision of life of Joy alias star Hulga is fragile as she lacks sense in her activities. There is no joyousness in Joy, instead she is more grimful in her naming process. Manley Pointer's name is such that it symbolizes chameleon-like quality and eerie idiosyncrasies (OConnor 1340). The false view of reality of the characters is revealed through the pseudo-intellectual use of the term good country people in the entire story. Flannery tried to ventilate the vague concept of this very term through differentiating the characters from nobility. The characters may live in countryside but they cannot be termed as good in context to their activities. All the characters are from ill- varied ground and possess no specific goodness in them. The different characters may seem divergent from their basic characteristics but in deep down, all of them are representatives of a social condition that has lost the basic moral identity. The social crisis is revealed through the nefarious, nihilistic and pessimistic approaches of the characters (OConnor 1340). 2: Entropy The literal meaning of the term entropy means disorder and degradation that is presented by the vivid narrative style of Pynchon in his short story Entropy. Pynchon pictorially describes a purposeless plot of the apartment of Meatball Mulligan that clearly ventilates the degrading ambitions and social life of American people in after war times. The very narrative style and the activities of the characters in the apartment of Meatball enable Pynchon to advance his pessimist theme towards the conclusion. The setting of the story does not evolve with any kind of permanent aspect except the territories of the unkind spring. The perpetual celebration in the apartment is presented as an scampering process of the individuals from the hard fact of social life that is completely aimless and vague (Pynchon 1484). The forms of this story deluge the past glories but there is no futuristic approach that simply identify the confusion among the individuals. Pynchon has effectively sketches the backdrop and the characters to ventilate his vibrant concern about the fluctuating degeneration of morality and sensibility of that post war periods that are barriers for creativity and prosperity. Entropy describes the aesthetic and theoretical discourses of the post war periods that generate the notion of postmodernism in social theories. This story is an accurate example of postmodernist ideologies as Pynchon has emphasized on relinquishing delineated epistemologies to prove the chaos and disorder of the social life that can only be supplemented through modern rationalistic approaches. This story depicts the need of radical and creative modernism for reducing the instability and aimlessness of the mass (Pynchon 1484). Reference List: Pynchon, Thomas. Entropy. New York.: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. OConnor, Flannery. Good Country People, Harcourt.: Brace and company, 1955.
Cause and Effect of Poor Education Essay Sample free essay sample
To be successful in life one must hold an instruction. It is the right of every American to hold an instruction. Does each individual have the agencies and ability to have an instruction? Unfortunately. in society today it is acquiring more and more hard and less and less low-cost to acquire an instruction to try to be successful in life and in bend to hold a calling that will back up the American dream. Some of the causes of hapless instruction root from the background and fiscal state of affairs of a household. It seems the closer to the poorness degree one may be the less of an instruction they will have. Family history of deficiency of instruction besides plays a function in the deficiency of instruction. If parents and/or grandparents have a high school instruction it is more likely that each coevals thenceforth will graduate high school. A household history of college alumnuss would do a more likely graduation of future coevalss as good. We will write a custom essay sample on Cause and Effect of Poor Education Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Making a pick to remain in school. alumnus and continue to college is a personal determination. Those who choose to take this way are non guaranteed but will be much more likely to be successful in life. Those who choose non to take this way will hold more of a challenge in today’s universe to hold a successful calling and have the ability to back up themselves and their household. This in bend can do one’s life style to take a less than desirable way and go portion of a less desirable life style. Most who live at or below poorness degree do non hold the chance to or make non hold the thrust to obtain an instruction. These factors lead to a life style that can be the death of their lives. Drugs. promiscuousness. adolescent gestation. force. packs. street life and many other negative life experiences become a manner of life. Unfortunately. one time this lifestyle becomes something one is accustomed to it is difficult to acquire off from. This lifestyle paves a way of destructiveness and gaol is frequently the topographic point any farther instruction they receive will come from. This in bend breeds a more educated felon who is now more cognizant of how to be more unproductive in society. In this unproductive society of condemnable behaviour. promiscuousness and teenage gestation. the rhythm will go on with the kids that are born into this life style. A parent in and out of gaol sometimes causes kids to be in and out of surrogate places or populating with relations of their pare nts. Fiscal aid. lodging aid and aid for supplying nutrient becomes the duty of the authorities because the parents are either in gaol or incapable of supplying for the kids born into a poorness life style. It takes a strong willed individual to interrupt the rhythm of the negative effects of a hapless instruction or the deficiency of an instruction. Those who have the strength to interrupt the rhythm will hold a successful life with a batch of attempt and support. Hopefully this is something I will hold the pleasance of seeing more of in my life-time.
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