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Ib Biology Topic 5 Evolution Essay Questuions
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Macroeconomics Deak with Various Theories
Question: Examine about the Macroeconomics for Deak with Various Theories. Answer: Presentation Different hypotheses in macroeconomics have been made to bargain the incredible discouragement examination. One of the focal hypothesis that investigations such outcomes is the old style hypothesis of Keynes. Keynesianism was named after John Maynard Keynes . He is otherwise called the dad of present day financial aspects. At the point when the extraordinary misery had struck, it had gotten significant for all the financial specialists to examine the circumstance and reason the event on the planet. Keynes, anyway thought of a great clarification that was concurred by many. The hypothesis was too simple to be in any way comprehended and was named as the basic Keynesian model (Asensio and Atesoglu 2014). Keynes gave different issues and solutions for the legislature and the individuals of the economy to bargain in such circumstances. However, Keynes clarifications was insufficient. A few provisos were found by different financial specialists it eh later period. A portion of the renowne d financial analyst are Milton Friedman and Robert Lucas (Duarte 2016). As expressed by Sumner (2015), Milton Friedman indicated that there is no steady connection among joblessness and expansions. As per his hypothesis, policymakers face momentary tradeoffs because of private parts inability to adjust the adjustment in condition. There are long haul costs that are misused so as to settle the momentary tradeoffs. The hypothesis of Milton Friedman, versatile desires, was additionally detailed and modernized by Robert Lucas in his hypothesis of reasonable desires. In this report, we break down the three unique hypotheses of Keynes, Friedman and Lucas and in the fourth and fifth segment, the contrast among Friedman and Keynes and Lucas and Keynes is dissected. Keynes As indicated by Pressman (2013), in the general hypothesis figured by Keynes, he proposed that the national salary relies upon the volume of work. Keynes additionally appeared in his model that automatic joblessness is steady in harmony. The standard hypothesis of successful interest expresses that in a shut economy and extra limit, the degree of business is dictated by total arranged use, that comprises of utilization use and speculation consumption from firms. Subsequently the harmony condition can be expressed as E= C+I. As indicated by Rozmainsky (2013), in Keynes model utilization consumption is endogenous in nature which relies upon the salary and the financing cost, though, the speculation use relies upon the normal likelihood of venture and loan fee. In this way, in this model, business gets subject to speculation consumption which is a temperamental factor. In computing the balance, desires for future degrees of interest and expenses are included that permits expectations and fears, to impact the choice. Desires for future speculation is considered as unmistakably more significant than the loan cost in connecting the present and future as the degree of yield and business relies upon the degree of venture. The outrageous dubiousness worried about the forthcoming yield of the speculation choice depends on the Keynes clarification of the business cycle. The utilization work is composed as C = a+Cy , henceforth the balance condition expressed in condition 1 can be composed as Y = a + Cy + I. Y =( a+I)/(1-c ) Y= (a+I) K In this last condition, k is the venture multiplier, which shows that when there is an expansion in speculation, the pay will increment by k times. The bigger the venture multiplier would be, the littler would be the minimal inclination to spare. Subsequently, the multiplier would now rely upon minor penchant to devour, c. This shows with a move popular, salary will ascend by a proportionate sum at first, yet that would raise the utilization level as well. Furthermore, this procedure would continue rehashing that would additionally raise the salary. Consequently it very well may be inferred that an expansion it eh self-sufficient spending raises the yield and business level. From the level lesser than full business, with the expansion in self-sufficient spending, there would be an expansion in speculation, that would prompt an increment in work . The recently utilized individuals would devour a portion of their salary a spare the rest. The expansion in the interest for merchandise wo uld likewise build work and would additionally raise the consumption. This shows how an underlying ascent in speculation, raises the degree of proportionate salary. There are different elements that could restrain the size of the multiplier impact, such as expanding the pace of intrigue antagonistic impact on certainty and spillage of consumption into tax assessment and imports in an open economy (Palley, Rochon and Vernengo 2016). Keynes dismissed that the loan fee was controlled by the genuine powers of frugality and the negligible profitability of capital. Loan cost is absolutely tended to as money related marvel dictated by the liquidity inclination. So as to hold cash, Keynes included preparatory and theoretical thought processes. In Keynes model, the suggestion that amount of cash is nonpartisan is dismissed. As indicated by the model, an expansion in the cash flexibly because of decrease in pace of premium can be influence total spending. As expressed by Sneessens (2012), as indicated by Keynes model, so as to spare to expand the speculation, was to lessen the total insecurity was to locate the balancing out venture use at the adequate level. Keynes model was reasonably preservationist and simultaneously suggests an enormous expansion of conventional elements of the administration. Friedman As expressed by Gal (2015) , Milton Friedman presented monetarism which had a superior and exact investigation of the manner in which the impacts of changes in the pace of money related development were partitioned among genuine and ostensible extents. Keynesian thoughts were negated by Friedman , where Friedman expressed the underlying Phillips bends was a misguided judgment. He said that Phillips bend must not be set as far as pace of progress of genuine wages. Phillips bend can be communicated as W = f(U) +PE This shows how the pace of cash wage increments relying upon abundance request and anticipated pace of expansion. Figure 1 : The Expectations Augmented Phillips Curve As per figure 1, assume the economy is at first at short run Phillips bend 1 (Srpc1) at point an, and the relating joblessness level is un with pace of enthusiasm as 0, expected pace of expansion would be 0, thus w is the normal pace of swelling that is 0 percent. Assume that joblessness decline from UN to U1 by expanding total interest because of money related development. With the consequence of abundance request, an upward weight on the cost and cash wages would be produced. Laborers would be deluded by the expansion in genuine pay, they would gracefully more work. They would experience the ill effects of brief cash dream. In all actuality, genuine pay would prefer to fall and with the interest of more work, joblessness would fall. The genuine circumstance of swelling sets in and the bend shifts from SRPC1 to SRPC2. Consequently, it very well may be seen that the genuine pace of expansion is totally envisioned and there would be no since a long time ago run exchange off among jobl essness and wage swelling. The focuses an and c together, a since quite a while ago run vertical Phillips bend is gotten at the normal pace of joblessness (UN). At un, the expansion in cash compensation is comparable to the increment in costs, so the genuine pay rate is steady. Common pace of work showcase is in balance and swelling is completely assessed (Hommes 2013). According to Nelson (2013), Friedman permitted to accommodate the traditional hypothesis as for the since quite a while ago run impartiality of cash, still cash to have genuine impacts in the short run. As per Friedman, swelling rates become progressively unpredictable at higher paces of expansion. This expansion unpredictability brings about vulnerability. This likewise brings about the ascent of joblessness as the profitability diminishes and value framework turns out to be less proficient. Vulnerability additionally prompts fall in venture and reduction in business. With the expansion in swelling rates, government will in general mediate more by forcing compensation and cost controls which further diminishes the effectiveness and builds joblessness. There is a positive connection among swelling and joblessness in the economy. When the economy is fruitful in changing the high and unstable expansion, it can come back to it normal pace of joblessness productively. Lucas In 1970, another methodology has been started by Lucas to contemplate the vacillations. He upheld the balance way to deal with business cycle demonstrating. In Keynesian model, showcase neglect to clear and total national output can differ from its underlying level to expanded timeframe. As indicated by Lucas financial changes have genuine results, yet simply because specialists can't separate impeccably among fiscal and genuine interest shifts, so there is no usable exchange off among swelling and genuine yield. As indicated by Lucas, business cycles are sequentially related developments that relies upon patterns of genuine yield. Lucas is considered as another old style monetarist dependent on his clarification of business cycle (Shaikh 2013). As per Lucas model, fiscal stuns are the primary driver of total shakiness and there is a disarray dependent on the family member and general value developments. The flexibly of yield Y has both perpetual segment Yn and repetitive segment Yc. Along these lines, YT = YN + YC. In recurrent part, there is a slacked out term that perceives the deviations in yield. The mix of objective desire theory and shock gracefully work signifies that the yield and business would vary arbitrarily around their self levels (Gabisch and Lorenz 2013). Friedman versus Keynes As indicated by Palley (2013), One of the popular scrutinizes of Keynesian model was Milton Friedman,. He acknowledged the meanings of downturns yet dismissed the technique for rewarding them. As indicated by Friedman, government should keep the cash gracefully consistent, in this manner growing it sli
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Effect of the Marketing Environment on Company Strategy
Impact of the Marketing Environment on Company Strategy I . Introduction Financial aspects today has a term of market condition which includes focuses and impacts allowing a business to make sucessful relationship with clients just as to keep it enduring longer. The market enviroment can be classified into two levels: small scale and large scale. The first alludes to little effects in the business with the fondness of serving the organization clients, though the subsequent one has bigger societial impacts on the mirco condition. Therefore, them two vary from numerous focuses. The associations, providers, clients market,and the middle people and contenders are worried in the smaller scale condition. In actuality, the Macro condition includes such factors as Demographic, normal, innovative, social, political, and financial aspects impacts. Be that as it may, these can be changed by the assortment of numerous sorts of organizations. All organizations are influenced by full scale natural variables which structure possibilities and dangers in the business condition. Such components frequently leaving an imprint on long †term vital administration, or even the objectives of a firm as earlier research and advancement, political solidness changes or social system are difinited as large scale factors. A natural examination are utilized for search for the current large scale effects and potential possibilities cautiously by most key administration modals. Additionally, a circumstance examination evaluate the effects identified with inner components, to shape a different firm’s limitations and seriousness. Interestingly, Micro financial matters has the ecological elements which is less well known than the Maro, just bringing about a specific segment of organizations or industry. They can be recorded as rivalry, providers, client, and work and rivalry. To comprehend the smaller scale condition, the organizations apply the â€Å"Porter’s Five Forces†test as a mechanical examination. This makes the board methodology all the more impressive to against changes in miniaturized scale factors in light of the fact that those can strongly affect the whole business. 2. Outside Environment investigation 2.1. Large scale Environment 2.1.1. Political and Legislation Advancements in political and legitimate field incredibly influence the advertising choices. sound advertising choice can't be considered without taking, the administration offices, ideological group in power and in restriction their belief systems, pressuregroups, and rules that everyone must follow. These factors make enormous weights on promoting the board. Laws influence creation limit, capacity, item configuration, evaluating and advancement. Government in practically all the nation intercedes in promoting process regardless of their political belief systems. The world of politics comprises of laws, government offices, and compel bunches with the ability to impact or cutoff the conduct of people and associations in a given society. Changes inside the political and lawful field can influence business. Subsequently, it is significant for advertisers to comprehend open approach and enactment, and the suggestions introduced for business and promoting. Enactment can empower or demoralize rivalry, and it can guarantee (or not) reasonable markets for products and enterprises. Political defilement can impact promoting achievement or disappointment. Throughout the years, enactment influencing business around the globe has expanded consistently. Organizations must know about changes in the political and legitimate condition so dynamic can react to the current political atmosphere, thus that the firm can make any required changes in corporate advertising strategy. Notwithstanding enactment, advertisers must comprehend that numerous purchaser bunches are currently viewing the political and lawful scene as it identifies with business, to guarantee that business is government by social codes and rules of expert morals. To demonstratetheirsocial duty and construct increasingly positive pictures, numerous organizations are currently connecting themselves to beneficial aims. Enactment from the legislature can influence advertises through the associations and customers. A few advertisers basically conform to these political powers. Others attempt to impact political choices by supporting government officials that can emphatically influence them . Mechanical Relations laws influencing understandings among associations and workers. Government laws and guideline offices influence advertising exercises and choices. Laws, for example, the Trade Practices Act and the Privacy Act set standards, which associations must submit to or hazard enduring punishments and/or discipline. These laws can be upheld by administrative organizations who likewise help with coordinating standards and guidelines. 2.1.2. Economy The financial condition comprises of full scale level variables identified with methods for creation and conveyance that affect the matter of an association. Factors inside the national and universal financial condition can resoundingly affect shopper buying force and spending designs. Significant U. S. financial patterns include: Individual utilization and individual obligation, the two of which have risen Impacts of credit patterns and loan fees on purchasing Joblessness and downturn compelling buyers to be increasingly cautious as customers Impacts/desires identified with esteem promoting and esteem cognizant buyers Pay circulation slanted decidedly toward the rich; flourishing not equally disseminated among classes A significant factor influencing the short-and long haul financial standpoint in the U.S. is drawn out times of joblessness. Joblessness can apply stamped and sweeping impacts on any economy. At the point when a huge number of individuals are jobless, there is less cash for spending that can lift the economy. When spending is down, deals expenses will be down too, further debilitating the monetary viewpoint. Jobless individuals, additionally, will in general cut out purchasing things they just need while eliminating things they have to endure. Purchasers going through less cash prompts organizations cutting costs, which reduces income, prompting more unemploymentat best, and to vendors leaving businessat most noticeably terrible. Furthermore, the jobless may need to utilize or even channel retirement investment funds. At the point when annual assessment income is down, the administration may need to obtain cash, or cut back on spending on required projects. Simultaneously, more is being spent to pay joblessness benefits, and to give food and medicaid help. The social expenses to people incorporate disintegration of work aptitudes while society is being denied of a great deal of good ability. Uninsured people additionally face exacerbating physical wellbeing, prompting abbreviated life expectancies. 2.1.3. Socio-social This idea has crawled into advertising writing as an option in contrast to the showcasing idea. The social powers endeavor to make the showcasing socially mindful. It implies that the business firms should take a lead in wiping out socially unsafe items and produce just what is advantageous to the general public. These are quantities of weight bunches in the general public who force limitations on the showcasing procedure. The socio-social condition is comprised of foundations and different powers that influence a society’s fundamental qualities, mentalities, discernments, inclinations, and practices. Individuals experience childhood in a specific culture that shapes their essential convictions and qualities, assisting with building up convictions and desires identified with how individuals ought to act. Advertisers frequently section purchaser target crowds for items and administrations dependent on social qualities. The superseding convictions and perspectives of a general public can change over some stretch of time because of various ecological components. A portion of these elements may incorporate such things as evolving ethnic/racial blend of the populace, progressively across the board acknowledgment and event of single-parent families, and more purchasers starting to want less difficult, increasingly important lives. Organizations must have the option to distinguish significant patterns that are driven by the large scale condition. They should comprehend the need to grasp boundless ecological changes and figure out how to utilize them furthering their potential benefit. Simultaneously, promoting the board must know and comprehend large scale level ecological issues and worries too, to have the option to utilize them to foresee (with an extraordinary level of exactness) their conceivable quick and long haul sway on shoppers purchaser conduct. 2.1.4. Innovation The innovative condition covers all stuff that utilized for delivering products and services.Technology shapes our fate drastically. It changes the correspondence method of customers and advertisers. New markets and chances are made by new advancements which likewise supplant itself. Along these lines, the facts demonstrate that numerous old businesses are disposed of these days. Marketrs must compensation extraordinary considerations on technologial patterns to anticipate impacts/effects on shoppers.. 2.2. Miniaturized scale Environment 2.2.1. Clients Clients of an association can be changed from one to different markets. Three first normal kind of market are shopper, business and affiliate markets. The first incorporates people and family units that expend merchandise and enterprises by and by. The second alludes to the individuals who purchasing great and administrations for additional parade or for use in their creation procedure. The last one is for the point of beneficial exchanging. Furthermore, government advertise is the term utilized for showing the offices the purchase products and enterprises to deliver open administrations or move those to required others. To wrap things up, those purchasers who are consmers, makers, affiliates, and governments in different contries additionally structure a universal market. 2.2.2. Providers Providers mean somebody giving the required assets to a firm to create items or administrations. They assumes a basically significant job in enduring firm’s life. Without providers, no worth is made and conveyed to clients. Gracefully accessibility is the most noticable factor for advertising organizations. Since the providers are accomplices in creating and transfering
Friday, August 21, 2020
Rizal realist and bonifacio the idealist essays
Rizal pragmatist and bonifacio the visionary papers RIZAL THE REALIST AND BONIFACIO THE IDEALIST I accept the composition of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo of Jose Rizal activated Andres Bonifacio to rebel against the Spaniards. It just served an eye opener for Bonifacio and different saints to vindicate and to battle for the rights against the maltreatment of the Spanish government. The job of each character uncovered the truth of what truly was occurring during the Spanish time. Despite the fact that Rizal didn't know Bonifacio that much or he was not comfortable to Bonifacio but rather the character of Elias was recognized to him. The vast majority accepted that Rizal was the person who arranged the upset and Bonifacio was the person who achieved it. Rizal never upheld the possibility of disobedience around then, however communicated what he felt and saw through compositions of the books during that time. He was a visionary, an artist and a darling. A man who had all inclusive information and comprehension. A man brought into the world with uncommon characteristics, with extra-standard conditions, while Bonifacio was only a customary man, supported in destitution with an almost no realizing whose solitary scholarly experience was increased through the perusing of the historical backdrop of the French insurgency, Dumas El Conde de Montecristo, Rizals Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Rizal examined so cautiously and contemplated what will be the results of whatever activity he will do. In his works he communicated so plainly through the characters who voice his considerations in the Noli and Fili, as Ibbara, Isagani, Padre Florentino and exhibited that conviction, too in his own demonstrations while still alive. The character of Elias and Simoun and furthermore Cabesan Tales, who for monetary reasons might be said to have been the model of the Huks in escaping to the mountains of Luzon, or Capitang Pablo, w ... <!
Online Shopping
Web based Shopping PCs Have made considerable progress since the first was developed in the mid 1900's. We right now live in a general public where individuals can do nearly anything on the Internet. You can prepare, check your horoscope, and look into whatever you can consider. The approaching pattern on the Internet currently is web based shopping. With web based shopping you can purchase books, garments, CD's, and even purchase a vehicle. There are numerous advantages to web based shopping and numerous downfalls.There are numerous stores to shop online at. Among the many are Gap, Amazon Books, Music Boulevard, American Eagle Outfitters, and J.Crew. To online shop you should simply adhere to the guidelines that are given on the website page. It is basic. A few advantages of web based shopping are that occasionally you get it at a less expensive cost. You can peruse everything any store has not exactly what is at the store you can see back stock and everything.Espaà ±ol: American Eagle OutfittersIn e xpansion, the most significant advantage of all as I would see it is you can shop without going out. You can likewise shop whenever day or night so in the event that you have a bustling calendar, at that point you don't need to fit time in to go to the shopping center, you can shop at your own time.As great as this all sounds there are a couple of defeats. One of them is you need to pay for postage which can cost a chunk of change particularly when your lone purchasing a CD you pay $3.00 or $4.00 for this administration. Another ruin is you need to utilize your charge card. Which sadly isn't completely ensured. A great deal of organizations state that there sites are ensured yet there are consistently...
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Children and High Quality Literature Research Paper - 275 Words
How Technology Help Us to Improve Childrens Access to High Quality Literature (Research Paper Sample) Content: How Technology Help Us to Improve Childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Access to High Quality LiteratureNameInstitutionHow Technology Help Us to Improve Childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Access to High Quality LiteratureIntroductionEducation technology is pushing literacy instruction above its print-based and oral tradition to embrace electronic and online texts. Computers are making new chances for collaborating and writing. The Internet is making worldwide connections for learners to interact, underlining the urge for rock-solid writing and reading skills. By altering the method that information is taken, digested, and used, technology is influencing how students, listen, write, read, and correspond (Vukelich, Christie, Jean, 2011).Literacy instruction means the education of essential literacy knowledge in writing, reading, listening, and verbal communication. In current digital humankind, though, technology has resulted in expanded understanding of literature. Apart from having essential liter acy knowledge, current learners also require technology knowledge for accessing, examining, conversing, and using computing information.How can technology help us to improve childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s access to high quality literature?Majority of teachers currently concur that literacy instruction, at least, should take in computing skills. Other futuristic teachers see a greater responsibility for technology in the literacy; they think that technology has the possibility to join learners to writing and reading. Meyer and Rose (2005), for instance, stated "the possibility of new technology to rejuvenate reading instruction and to create reading further appropriate to the lives of kids growing up in the current era.Technology has an important responsibility in all parts of American life these days, and this responsibility will just increase in the future. The important aspect of technology for kidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s education and growth are well acknowledged. As technology turn to be easy to be u sed and early childhood software multiplies, kidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s use of technology turn to be well known. As a result, early childhood teachers have a duty to seriously scrutinize the effect of technology on kids and be ready to use technology to help kids.The suitable and helpful use of technology with kids is at the end of the day the duty of the early childhood teacher, working jointly with guardians. Guardians and educators both require to come up with better options as clients. As they get educated on the suitable importance of technology, guardians and educators are most probable to come up with informed resolutions and to make it recognized by inventors of technology when they are not pleased with outcome (Adams, 2011).In order to reach the feasible importance of technology, both in-service and pre-service education must offer early childhood teachers with privileges for essential information and consciousness. These efforts should attend to the fast propagation and fast-paced ch ange inside the technology field. Opportunities that stress evaluating the software in relation to kidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s improvement are necessary.A position statement by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) states that, technology and media are only valuable when used properly(NAEYC, 2012). The emergence of technology and the stable flow of latest devices may result in some teachers to employ technology for technologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s sake, instead of being a way to an end. Technology should not be used for tasks that are not educationally minded, not developmentally suitable, or not effective (NAEYC, 2012). Inactive use of technology and any kind of screen media is an unsuitable substitute for active play, jointly with other kids, and interrelations with grownups. Technologically literate teachers who are concerned in kids ...
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Criminal Justice System Respond to Illicit Drugs - Free Essay Example
Illicit drugs in Australia has been a concern for many years and targeted in many forms via politics and media. But what are the real harms and cost of illegal drug use in Australia? Does the drug issue relate to crime and increase drug related crime? Much research has been done on illegal drugs and how best to combat the problem. Should we be tough on drugs or take a step back with a more humane approach? The criminal justice system has approached this problem via many angles and is still working towards a system that works. It could be that the solution to the illicit drug problem could in fact be a mix of many strategies. This essay will examine the past and current trends in the criminal justice system and to analyse the strengths and the weaknesses involved. Research by the Australian Institute of Criminology (2004) has outlined the impact of illicit drugs on society. Many people assume there is a direct correlation between drugs and crime and this research undertaken in fact shows that drug use and crime have similar origins. Origins such as poor social support systems, difficultly in school, association with deviant peer groups and lack of access to economic support systems are the main similarities with drug users and criminals. The results of this research have opened our eyes to the direct link and the magnitude of the illicit drug problem. It is not possible to quantify the exact cost of illicit drug use to the Australian community. However, some components can be measured directly, such as government expenditure through the National Illicit Drug Strategy (NDIS), but many of the social costs borne by the community, such as the extra cost of welfare, health and law and order services, can only be estimated. In addition, a number of costs associated with illicit drug use are not quantifiable, such as pain and suffering resulting from a reduced quality of life. Nevertheless a number of studies attempt to quantify some of the costs of drug use, including social costs. Many also examine how these costs compare with the costs of licit drug use in the community (Burton, K 2004). Statistics from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have discovered that Marijuana/cannabis accounted for 71% of illicit drug arrests in 2004–05. Further, in 2005, one in 10 prisoners was imprisoned for drug-related offences and finally in 2003–04, 88% of juvenile detainees had used an illicit substance 6 months prior to arrest and 70% were intoxicated at the time of offence. The Australian criminal justice system currently has two approaches to the illicit drug (for clarification, the definition of Illicit Drugs means a drug whose production, sale or possession is prohibited) problem. Prohibition and harm minimisation which will be discussed below. In short, the main aim of prohibition of drugs is to implement legislation and laws as a common means of attempting to control drug use. On the other hand we have harm minimi sation which includes a range of targeted strategies designed to reduce drug-related harm for particular individuals and communities. It aims to reduce the harmful consequences of drugs when consumption cannot be further reduced. Drug laws have not stopped people using drugs, all it has done is create a multi-million dollar illegal market and fuel criminal acts to support such addictions. However, the economic costs associated with harmful drug use, including prevention, treatment, loss of productivity in the workplace, property crime, theft, accidents and law-enforcement activities, amount to over $18 billion annually (Collins Lapsley 1996). Which proves that the drug prohibition is not effective and another approach needs to be introduced. Prohibition is increasingly regarded as flawed in principle and a resounding failure in practice (Wodak Owens, 1996). When the drug laws in Australia were first introduced they came through prohibition instead of regulation. The argument was, that once something evil was banned, the problem was solved. This was not the case as banning such illegal drugs has only made the productions of same increase and created the role of drug traffickers and an illegal underworld to make and distribute such drugs through illegal avenues. As Wodak and Owens stated: â€Å"Focusing on drug use rather than drug-related harm is like concentrating on a mirage (p. 9)†In summary, prohibition has been somewhat successful in raising the health, social and economic costs of drug use. However, each year with technological change, geopolitical developments and the new trade environment make the job of prohibition even harder. On 2 April 1985 Australia officially adopted another view on illegal drugs and this approach was known as harm minimisation. This approach involves supply reduction, demand reduction and harm reduction. Harm minimisation has approached the drug use problem by introducing such schemes as information to drug use rs about how to safely use drugs and supervised injection rooms for users. Extensive consultation and collaboration between these services and police have been important in their success in reducing the spread of blood borne viruses in the community. Governments do not condone illegal risk behaviours such as injecting drug use: they acknowledge that these behaviours occur and that they have a responsibility to develop and implement public health and law-enforcement measures designed to reduce the harm that such behaviours can cause (Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy 1998:46). Harm minimisation encourages change in our attitudes towards people who use drugs including those who are physically and psychologically dependant on illegal drugs. However, whether this is an effective approach is a common argument. One advantage is the fact that Australia does have the lowest reported rate of HIV infection in the world which is evidence alone that harm minimisation approach can work in the community. Harm minimisation can best be viewed in context of community safety and this is an approach to drug use to help keep people safe when they choose to use drugs. One important policy intervention that has gained increased prominence in recent years is the diversion of drug and drug related (crimes committed while under the influence of drugs) offenders. Aimed at deterring, educating or treating the causes of drug dependence, diversion involves the use of the criminal justice system to provide alternative responses, including referral to drug treatment. The main aim of prohibition of drugs is to implement legislation and laws as a common means of attempting to control drug use. On the other hand harm minimisation recognizes the need to seek a balance between supply reduction (disrupt both the supply of illicit drugs entering Australia and the production and distribution of illicit drugs within Australia), demand reduction (reduce the desire for and preparedness to obtain and use drugs) and harm reduction strategies (reduce the impacts of drug-related harm on individuals and communities). Recently harm minimisation took on another strategy known as a diversionary scheme. In April 2009 the Council of Australian Government (COAG) endorsed the National Illicit Drugs Strategy (NDIS) package, providing over $111,536,000 to create a ‘tough on drugs’ initiative that gives priority to diverting illicit drug offenders into treatment. Guidelines were created for States and Territories to divert minor illicit drug offenders into assessment, education and treatment at many levels of the criminal justice system. The aim was to reduce the amount f offenders that appear before the court for possession of illicit drugs , provide incentives for minor offenders to address their drug use and increase access to drug education and treatment. This strategy is based on a harm minimisation approach which refers to policies and programs aimed at red ucing drug-related harm and protecting the community and users. Dr Woolridge (past Federal Health Minister)1999 has stated that it is clinically proven that if you can reach a drug user before the addiction becomes full-blown that you have a better chance of stopping the drug use. Taking this approach statistics have shown that as of July 2007, there were 51 programs that divert drug and drug related offenders: * 69% of programs have been introduced since 2000. * 59% were funded by the Coalition of Australian Governments’ Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative. * 31% involved police diversion, 22% court diversion, 18% drug court diversion and 29% were mixed. * 33% of programs targeted drug use/possession offence(s), 12% drug related offence(s) and 55% any offence(s). 45% of programs targeted adults, 27. 5% youth and 27. 5% mixed. * 49% resulted in assessment and compulsory treatment, 17% assessment and voluntary treatment, 9% cautions and referrals to education sessions, 20% wa rning/formal caution/family group conference, and 8% a fine or optional attendance at an education session (Hughes Ritter 2008) To date each state and territory has created and implemented their own diversionary and harm minimisation measures to tackle the illicit drug problems. Each state and territory have varying programs which may be somewhat different to each of the other states. Some programs may be easier to access, others may only cater for a specific group (ie indigenous people or juveniles). However, they all have the same major programs available as outlined below. According to the Australian Institute of Criminology there are 5 types of drug-diversionary programs currently in use across Australia. Within each of these areas of criminal justice there are a number of diversionary programs available. These initiatives can be divided into groups, depending on their position along the criminal justice continuum. Starting with the pre-arrest phase the most important div ersionary measures is police discretion where officers can detect the offence but not lay charges and provide further information to the offender about how to manage and drug problems and refer them in the right direction. Other measures in place are infringement notices, informal warnings, formal caution and caution plus intervention (where counseling/information sessions must be attended). Police drug diversion –at the front end are the various police based drug diversion programs offer drug education and assessment for those individuals with minor possession offences relating to cannabis or other illicit substances. Next step on the criminal justice continuum is the Pre-trial stage where a charge is made but before the matter is heard at court. Here we have options like treatment as a bail condition, conferencing or prosecutor discretion (where treatment is offered as an alternative to proceeding with prosecution). These programs are at court level and are primarily bail-based programs to provide assessment and short term treatment options for less serious offenders who criminal behaviour is related to their illicit drug use. The next stage is Pre-sentence which is after conviction but before sentencing, this stage includes such measures as delay of sentence where offender may be assessed or treated. Post-conviction/sentence includes the process of sentencing. Diversionary measures can include suspended sentences requiring complying with conditions such as treatment, avoidance of drugs and specific peer groups. At this stage offenders can also be referred to the Drug Courts which are judicially supervised and enforced treatment programs which offer long-term initiative treatment for offenders who drug dependency is a key contributor to their offending. The final stage where diversionary measures can be utlised is in the Pre-release stage which is prior to the release from goal on parole. Options here include transfers to drug treatment progr ams or early release to attend a supervised treatment program. Even though the diversionary programs vary between jurisdictions, for example, in some states police can only caution first time offenders or juveniles and in other jurisdictions diversion is available for any offender caught with drugs, irrespective of age or criminal history. According to the National Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative (IDDI) the findings were generally very positive. Across all jurisdictions , the majority of people who were referred into the IDDI program did not reoffend in the 12 to 18 month period after their diversion. In most cases, those that did reoffend did so only once during this time. Payne et al, 2008). The cost of the various police diversion programs is significant. However, if these initiatives are achieving such their objectives, such costs should be more than offset by the benefits of accruing to the community through a reduction of illicit drug use and related offending and reduced case loads for the criminal justice system. There has been only one study (Baker Goh 2004) that has examined the cost-effectiveness of diversion. The results demonstrated positive results in savings to the criminal justice system. In the first three years of operation it was estimated that over 18,000 police hours were saved as a result of not having to charge offenders at the time of detection, prepare matters for court and attend subsequent hearings. Baker and Goh also calculated that the scheme resulted in total savings of well over $1million dollars during the first 3 years of operation. In the years following the development of the IDDI, researchers (most notably the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia, ADCA), outlined the benefits of and challenges to expanding the drug diversion and harm minimisation approach. Over coming the political perception that drug diversion was a ‘soft’ option (Hughes, C 2007). While the â€Å"Tough on Drugs Diversion I nitiative’ was seen by policy makers as heralding a more humane response and more harm minimisation approach, the expression and framing of the program was that this was not the case. As John Howard said: â€Å"in no way does it [drug diversion] retreat from our ‘Tough on Drugs’ philosophy, our zero tolerance approach†. So the point that the Government are portraying is that illicit drug use is still against the law however, if someone has psychological, health and social problems, you don’t belong in jail. If the problem is drug use, than that problem must be tackled in order to decrease the social impacts of illicit drug use and to prevent a new generation of drug-users committing drug related crime (Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, 2004). One of the positive outcomes of the harm minimisation/drug diversion initiatives is that is has now encouraged the collaboration of health and law enforcement services. Which were once two ver y separate divisions have combined forces to tackle the issue of illicit drug use and have broken down the barriers that once segregated the divisions as traditionally the health and justice systems have had little to do with each other with no referral pathway between them. Diversion programs are gradually changing this (Tresidder, J 2003). In conclusion after observing that the prohibition of drugs has not made any significant impact on the use of illicit drugs in society the harm minimisation approach was initiated. This approach was further developed and the drug diversion scheme was created to target the problem in return for long term solutions to protect the drug users and community from each other. Research has shown that this has been successful to some degree however it has come across as somewhat contradictory to the â€Å"tough on drugs†campaign that is portrayed in the media. There is many mixed messages being sent and portrayed about the approach to illicit drugs in the criminal justice system. To date the drug diversionary programs has been the only approach to illicit drugs that has made any headway and molded around the existing drug problems. It is a policy that is designed to reflect the variety of problems that drugs can cause and by treating the cause is the only way to tackle the problem. References Australian Institute of Criminology, Does drug use cause crime? Understanding the drugs-crime link. www. aic. gov. au/publications. crm accessed 10 January 2010. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2007. Statistics on drug use in Australia 2006. Drug Statistics Series No. 18. Cat. no. PHE 80. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Baker, J. and Goh, D. (2004). The Cannabis Cautioning Scheme three years on: An implementation and outcome evaluation. Sydney: NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research. Burton, K, 2004. Illicit Drugs in Australia: Use, Harm and Policy Responses, Parliamentary Library, https:/ /www. aph. gov. au/library/intguide/sp/illicitdrugs. htm, accessed 13 January 2009. Collins DJ Lapsley HM. 1996. The Social Costs of Drug Abuse in Australia in 1988 and 1992, National Drug Strategy monograph series no. 30, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative – about diversion. www. health. gov. au Hughes, C. Away from the Courts, Of Substance: The national magazine on Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs. Volume 7 number 2, 2009 pages 21 and 21. Hughes, C. 2007. Evidence Based policy or policy based evidence? The role of evidence in the development and implementation of the Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative, Drug and Alcohol Review( July 2007)Pages 363-368. Hughes, C. and Ritter, A. 2008. Monograph No. 16: A summary of diversion programs for drug and drug-related offenders in Australia. DPMP Monograph Series. Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. Payne, J. Kwiathkow ski, M. Wundersitz, J. 2008. Police Drug Diversion: a study of criminal offending outcomes. AIC Report, Australian Institute of Criminology. Middendorp, C, 2010, Drug Prohibition Doesn’t Work, so What do we do Next? TheAge. com, https://www. theage. com. au/opinion/society-and-culture/drug-prohibition-doesnt-workso-what-do-we-do-next-20100106-lu8v. html, accessed 13 January 2010. National Drug Strategic Framework: 1998–99 to 2002–03, Building Partnerships: A strategy to reduce the harm caused by drugs in our community. Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy 1998 Tresidder, J. 2003. Police Drug Diversion. Of Substance: The national magazine on Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs. Volume 1 number 1, pages 25-27. Woodak, A and Owens, R. 1996. Drug Prohibition, A Call for Change, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia. Wooldrige, Dr M, 1999, Tough on Drugs diversion programme an enlightened approach. https://www. health. gov. au/internet/main/publishing. nsf/Content/hea lth-mediarel-yr1999-mw-mw99112a. htm accessed 13 January 2010.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Symbolism in the Secret Lion - 724 Words
Symbolism in The Secret Lion The Secret Lion, written by Alberto Rios, is a short story rich in symbolism. The lion, or more specifically a secret lion, the arroyo, or river, and the grinding ball are all symbols used in the story to reinforce the theme of coming of age. The first and most obvious symbol in the story is the lion, or more specifically, the secret lion. It is not a literal lion. The lion of the story represents things that are big and the secret of it is that it is unexplained, or even ignored. It suggests change, and it is a change that is big and confusing. The secret lion is a symbol of coming of age and understanding that with change there is loss, and to hold onto something, it must be secret. The narrator†¦show more content†¦This ball represents perfection in an imperfect environment, and at this time, anything that good wasnt meant to last, because it would be taken away. Like their childhood. Like their whole perception of their whole world. This ritual, the burial of the ball, is an attempt to stop time, and to preserve perfection in an imperfect world. It was so perfect that they did not want to loose it, We buried it because it wasShow MoreRelatedHemingway s Secret Autobiography : Symbols1398 Words  | 6 Pa gesJames Wang Ms. D. Phillips English 9H 6 October 2015 Hemingway’s Secret Autobiography Symbols. Since the origins of organized society, mankind’s imagination has implanted deeper, figurative connotations in the simplest of objects. The dawn of Christianity saw to the introduction of one of the most impactful symbols to this day: Jesus of Nazareth s Cross. 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